How many MAC (only) e/s do you have?


Well-known member
I don't even want to look. I know I have over 40 pigment (full) jars alone.

15 Pallettes (x5): 75
4 pan (x4): 16
6 pan (x1): 6
Plus probably 10-15 ones in pots. So right around a 100 or so :X


Well-known member
14 shadows, one backup (of shroom, it's s staple so as soon as i hit pan i get a backup.) and...

1 pigment.


Well-known member
I have 129 MAC e/s, not counting the duplicates and pigments


Well-known member
I have the following:

26 in my 15 palettes
4 in a my homemade Barbie Quad
5 that I have not depotted yet
2 backups
6 in a holiday palette

Total: 43


Well-known member
At least 100 and that isn't counting my pigments. Then it would be closer to 150. Yeah, I've got a problem.


Well-known member
Mine (still have some catching up to do....but recently my obession has turned from e/s to collecting blushers :X )

Singles - 81 (i should have 83....BUT my friend never returned 1 MAC e/s i lent here and the other got stolen

quads - 8

Eye palettes - 4

Pigments - 30 full bottles, 2 half bottles, 2 mini pigments, 2 sample size pigments


Well-known member
I have 8 MAC shadows, and 1 Paint shadow. It's not growing in the next month either.


Well-known member
513? WOW... That's a lot!

I have 4, and I adore those 4 I have now and I'm proud of them


Well-known member
We don't have a MAC store/counter/anything in Finland so I have to get mine abroad which I guess is a good thing because otherwise I'd be broke because of MAC... So far I have 26.


Well-known member
I'm a little new to the game so I only have 21 e/s and only one of those is a LE. I also have 8 pressed pigments...If that counts bump my number up to 29!


Well-known member
I only have four. In fact, I can name them on the top of my head! Parfait Amour, Tilt, Jewel Blue, and Beauty Marked :p

[edit] Okay, so I just added two to my collection: swimming and shimmermoss. Now I have 6 shadows! lol

I'm an UD fanatic.


Well-known member
I have 13 - 7 pro pans, 5 depotted, and 1 still in the pot. Then there's also 1 full size pigment and 2 small pigment samples


Well-known member
I've got two filled 15 palletes, 5 still in the pots...a few of the mineralize e/s duos and a couple piggies...Not much, but I'm getting up there


Well-known member
I have 3 full 15-slot palettes and (counts in her head) 12 loose shadows plus one quad waiting to be depotted... so 61 shadows of that size at present....

BUT of those

- 3 are Bodyshop
- 4 are Urban Decay
- 8 are Milani

So that gives a total of 49 MAC eyeshadows for me.


Well-known member
Oh wow... I only have got one e/s and one is in the mail to me - but I have got 6 Quads and 2 holiday palettes. I love finished combos :-D I am also more a pigment addict. I think I have got 10 samples, I think 13 vials and 22 full size jars :-o I am in MAC since Oktober last year :-D


Well-known member
To the folks that have so many....Why? LOL. Do y'all wear them all or just collect them? I'm already hitting a wall as far as wanting to buy more, and I've only been buying for 8 months. Nothing even catches my eye anymore.


Well-known member
Currently : 40
Including Warm eyes/Jewel/Smoked palettes - 58
Pigments : 13 full jars, 16 samples, oh and one full jar on the way