How many think they can wear any color?


Well-known member
I am just wondering how many people are like me and feel they can get away with just about any color. Lipstick is the only thing that I'm truly picky about that, but even there, I think I can wear almost anything, I just don't actually like everything. Just curious what ya'll experience is. Is it a skin tone thing. I'm olive and medium.


Well-known member
I have not found a color that I can not wear , I have medium olive skin tone , NC 40 and I can wear any shade of eyeshadow and blush


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I don't like everything...But I think I could pull off most colors with a little creativity ...I'm NC45


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I don't like everything...But I think I could pull off most colors with a little creativity ...I'm NC45

I have to agree with you. I'm NC43/45 and I also think I can wear almost anything. I tend to be slightly less bold on the lips because I love dramatic eyes, but for the most part everything can be made to work. (Mind you...I have not tried a chalk white eye shadow yet.) :p


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I'm so fair/pale I think I can, but that's a big difference from what I want to wear. Blue eyeshadow makes my eyes red for some reason so I rarely wear it.


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I have a long winded answer lol. Bear with me.

Often it's just a matter of personal taste/how you see yourself. My friend has very full lips and feels like a clown with red lipstick on...that's her preference. But I think she looks lovely with a blue, matte red lipstick...It really brightens up her complexion/face. To use myself as another example: I am NC20...I think I *could* wear orange or yellow eyeshadow in some combinations (not by themselves...they just clash with my skin tone and/or wash me out)....But I don't like those colors much/don't wear them much in my clothing either, so I tend to stay away from that. Same with light pastel pink. It just washes me out alone...But if I use it in combo with other stuff, I can make it look good. It's just not my favorite color to use.

IMO...I think most people can pull off *most* eyeshadow's the lipsticks that are harder to pull off (example: purples and dark burgundies, or even nudes on very fair/pale people)....But it's not a rule that applies to everyone with a light/fair complexion. Some people just make it work with what they are wearing (clothes). Also with eyeshadows, I think it depends on the way you use the colors. Like some very fair skinned people might get away with wearing black as a crease color/eyeliner, or just a bit on the lid... but if they were to put it all over the lid and/or crease with other extremely dark colors on the eye, black could be a bit too much (depending on the person).

So ya, all that to say...I think a lot of people, if not most, can wear any color
, whether they know it or not.


Well-known member
I think anyone can wear any colour they like, but its not hard to see that some colours look better on certain people than others. I can wear pinks, but they really dont make me look great - however browns, greens and purples/plums are standouts for me, they just look nicer.


Well-known member
Well I'm kind of glad to hear that. That is what I always think too, but there have been so many people for so many years telling everyone what 'season' they are in and how they can't wear this or that that most women are afraid to try anything that's not a neutral. It makes me sad that they feel so limited. I get so much joy out of the use of color that I want everyone to have that same freedom. Thanks everyone for sharing your opinions!


Well-known member
I think I can wear most colors on my eyes and lips.. I just have to watch how I blend and buff as all my colors need to be really well finished as my skin will scream MAKEUPPPPPPPPPPPP and I look like a circus show girl


Well-known member
I feel like I can wear every color except for pale yellow. I can do neon and bright yellows, but I feel like pale or pastel yellow make my skintone look strange. I am NC15 btw!


Active member
I think I can wear any colour, except some browns don't suit me I don't think. I have pale skin (don't know what NC) and brown eyes, light brown hair.
Really I think it's all up to personal choice though. What some might find a pleasing colour on themselves, others might not particularly agree.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ursula
Well I'm kind of glad to hear that. That is what I always think too, but there have been so many people for so many years telling everyone what 'season' they are in and how they can't wear this or that that most women are afraid to try anything that's not a neutral. It makes me sad that they feel so limited. I get so much joy out of the use of color that I want everyone to have that same freedom. Thanks everyone for sharing your opinions!

Me too, I am the same
I love playing with color. I understand though, how some people feel limited on what to wear based on where they work, their age, how they live etc..and some people are very self conscious about "what others will think". I am at a point where I am doing the makeup for me...and I am the only one restricting the colors I use- plus I have time in the morning to do it...Now I wouldn't go to work in full goth makeup or glitter all over my face or anything totally extreme like that...but some people can pull it off I guess.


Well-known member
I find that's it's all a matter of how confident you are with the makeup you are wearing. I think anyone can wear any color, with some blushes being the exception. But I personally am comfortable with wearing anything.


Well-known member
I'm just the opposite: most things that are supposed to be universally flattering (orgasm, et al.) look garish on me. But colors that no one else seems to like, I can pull off. (I'm that person who actually bought Nico lipgloss -- more than once. And Jungle Juice.) Lavenders, mauves and bluish-pinks look good on me, especially when my hair is dark-to-black brown.


Well-known member
I think I can wear any color but it depends on the warmth or coolness of it. I can't personally do chrome yellow but I can do golden lemon p/g. I think any color is doable with blending and technique, whether or not it works on my skin like do I look nice versus do I look clownish is something else.

But in general, I think I can wear anything. NC50, btw.


Well-known member
I'm a C35 and I have brown eyes. I can wear any color eye shadow and blush. On the lips though I cannot do nude lips. I can do pinkish nudes but complete nudes makes me look dead. They tend to really bring out the yellowness of my complexion. I'm one of those people where lips and blush really changes my complexion no matter how much foundation I've got on. I envy those who can rock nude lips but in the grand scheme of things it's all good.


Well-known member
I have a light-medium Asian skintone and I can wear a lot of different shades, but colours that are overwhelmingly cool are just terrible (like Electra, bleugh! Looks like I got punched by a drunk robot). Same goes for lips, I look pretty horrid in extremely cool pinks.

The funny thing is that I think I can and do wear pretty much any colour, clothing-wise. Strange.


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I used to think I should stay away from bright pink lips as it made me look like an idiot and it made my Indian skin look funny because it clashed too much.

Last week I braved wearing a really hot pink and got more compliments for wearing that than I did when I wear my HG lipgloss which I thought made me look my best.

I think I can get away with any colour eyeshadow and blusher wise as long as I buff it in enough. I used a really bright red NARS blush the other day, Exhibit or something and I buffed that like a motherbuffer and it looked pretty nice.

I think a lot of whether you can wear colours is in the application itself, I've recently worn white eyeshadow and because I blended it with others it looked pretty nice whereas had I done that a year ago, I wouldn't have even attempted it as my skills were pretty crap.