How to tell coworker to STFU! (long rant!)


Well-known member
I work in a pizza restaurant (I love my job!) with a Very. Stupid. Girl.

She talks all the time about people I don't know, who do boring things I don't care about. If you are going to tell someone a story, shouldn't it be one of two things: 1. About people you both know; or 2. A really funny or interesting story. Hers are neither. She tells me the every move of her crush at her other job, and she uses acronyms related to her other job that I don't know the meaning of. I don't ask what they mean since I don't care.

She complains constantly. She works two jobs, 4 days at her other job and 3 days at her pizza job. She lives at home so I don't know why she needs to work so much unless she just has nothing better to do. Anyway, she whines all the time about how tired she is.

News flash: Everybody's tired. Everybody! Nobody wants to hear how tired someone else is. I'm going to school this summer, and I get up at 5, and I come to work after school, but I don't complain about being tired because I know nobody wants to hear it!

The girl makes drama because she's bored and it makes her feel important to be in the middle of a story. She used to date this guy, like a few years ago. Now said guy is married with two children, but he's generally a scumbag, never home, out selling/using drugs, cheating on the wife, etc. She still hangs out with the guy, even though she says she doesn't like him. She watches for his car to drive by when we're at work.
This is our conversation about him:
Her: (guy) called me at 3 AM and woke me up!
Me: Why don't you turn your phone off when you go to bed?
Her: I can't do that because my friends might call.
Me: You can turn the ringer down.
Her: Well if I don't answer the phone then he'll come over.
Me: Ignore him.
Her: I've tried.
Me: Then call the police.
Her: The police won't do anything.

The wife is pissed because she knows her husband is talking to my coworker, whether they are or aren't fooling around is none of my business. The wife calls and harasses her. Again, my coworker won't ignore the phone, or do anything to help herself because she enjoys the drama. One day, the wife actually came to our work and made a scene, calling my coworker a homewrecker, and generally acting loud and trashy.

So I had a talk with my coworker. She actually cried. I tried to help her, by telling her she was better than this crap, she shouldn't waste her time, etc. I told her I knew she liked this stupid drama and that was her own business but I am NOT having crazy women coming into MY work and making a scene because of it. She promised she wouldn't talk to these people ever again, blah blah blah. But three days later she was again informing me of their every move and her sightings of them. As if I cared!!

This is where the stupidity comes in. My coworker said that the wife told her to stop "talking crap" or she was going to file defraudment charges. What the hell are "defraudment charges"? THIS IS A MADE UP WORD. I told my coworker this and she didn't believe me. She actually thinks the wife is going to go to the police and have her thrown in jail or something.

My coworker is 25 years old and acting like this. She is really intolerably stupid, and since she talks so much, she constantly advertises the fact. I try to ignore her, then she says, "are you mad at me? did I do something wrong?" Which is of course even more annoying.

I just wish she would grow up and grow a backbone; short of that, I'd be happy with her shutting up once in a while. I don't know how someone can have so little going on in their life that they basically cause themselves problems. I don't know how she can be so oblivious to the fact that nobody cares about her private life, and that nobody else spills every single detail of their every movement and those of all their friends like she does.

GRR! Congrats to you if you read all this!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
ahahah! one of my managers is exactly like this where she talks all about her business to everyone (like details about sex and the guys shes dating and yeast infections EW overall TMI) and anyone and everyones like "oh god shut up!"

i definetly feel your pain. kinda just smile and nod, thats what i do


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
ahahah! one of my managers is exactly like this where she talks all about her business to everyone (like details about sex and the guys shes dating and yeast infections EW overall TMI) and anyone and everyones like "oh god shut up!"

i definetly feel your pain. kinda just smile and nod, thats what i do

haha, I just try to ignore her unless she asks me a direct question.


Well-known member've got your hands full!! It must be something to work with someone like that. Would ignoring her help?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000've got your hands full!! It must be something to work with someone like that. Would ignoring her help?

I do a lot of the time, but sometimes we need to talk about work stuff. Mostly I can get away with saying "oh", "yeah", or "ok" to most everything she says.


Well-known member
Maybe since she doesn't get the point with ignoring her, you may just have to just be straight up & tell her the truth, which is you don't care. Of course you can tell her in a nicer way. Say something like you just want to keep the conversations "work related," and whatever she does in her own time is her business & you would like to be kept out of it.


Well-known member
You could tell her you have a lot on your mind right now. Which would be a polite way to say keep it to yourself.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Well, it sounds like the wife could be considered harassing this girl.

But back to your problem, sometimes it's better just to smile politely and say as little as possible. Some people will never get it, and if you're working with this girl a lot, dealing with her after you've been frank could be bad.


Well-known member
Invest in some earplugs. What a whackjob.

I am still laughing hysterically over the "defraudment" part of the story.


Well-known member
I'm a very direct person, I've said more than once to co-workers that I find it unprofessional when people start blabbing all the details about their personal lives with co-workers who barely know them.

To the more pushy, I've also said "Wouldn't it be better for you to tell it to someone who is interested or do you want me to smile and nod."

Yes, it's harsh, but I manage over 40 people and for some reason people always come to me with their personal life and it's exhausting, I prefer people saying I'm stuck up or rude than listening to hours and hours of drama and stories that I have absolutely no interest whatsoever.

Even yesterday I told at a meeting, "make these confessions or tell the more intricate details of your life to your friends, family and loved ones", they actually give a damn.


Well-known member
Yeast infections? Ewww...

I had a coworker exactly like this and she used to talk about sex with her bf and specific details that I could care less about. It was super annoying, but since it was an office job with only 5 employees, I have to was sometimes entertaining. And she started talking to me about her sexcapades only days after meeting me! LOL

Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
ahahah! one of my managers is exactly like this where she talks all about her business to everyone (like details about sex and the guys shes dating and yeast infections EW overall TMI) and anyone and everyones like "oh god shut up!"

i definetly feel your pain. kinda just smile and nod, thats what i do



Well-known member
haha that's so funny! I feel for you, some people just need to realize that their personal life is just that.. PERSONAL! weridos..

I woulda just told her to shut up.. but you can't really do that. Tell her that it's work not gossip time and to keep her drama to herself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kiseki
To the more pushy, I've also said "Wouldn't it be better for you to tell it to someone who is interested or do you want me to smile and nod."

Even yesterday I told at a meeting, "make these confessions or tell the more intricate details of your life to your friends, family and loved ones", they actually give a damn.

Ha ha! This is awesome. I could tell her that and kind of half joke about it. but of course its not really a joke!

Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
But back to your problem, sometimes it's better just to smile politely and say as little as possible. Some people will never get it, and if you're working with this girl a lot, dealing with her after you've been frank could be bad.

I agree. I don't want to really hurt her feelings, mean as I sound in my rant.