HTF NARS blushes!


Active member
Hi all! I'm kind of a newbie here on Speckta, I lurked for a while and I have recently gained an addiction to NARS blushes! I have all of them but 6, including 2 d/c hard to find ones. Are there any suggestions on where I can look? I've checked ebay, and MUA, not sure where else to look, so any advice is appreciated! TIA =)


Well-known member
I'm in the same boat. I think I have 6 blushes or so too. I am really searching for Plaisir.

Let me know if you find out anything


Active member
Originally Posted by cocodivatime
I'm in the same boat. I think I have 6 blushes or so too. I am really searching for Plaisir.

Let me know if you find out anything

I think Beauty & Main (small chain store in MA and CT) still has Plaisir, and they are clearancing their NARS BOGOF until is gone, so call quick! THey only take phone orders, call the Wellesley store! This is where I got my Plaisir! (Not affiliated, just ordered from there twice).