

Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I have fair skin (NC15), but have a problem with hyperpigmentation on my face (caused by too much sun as a child) - I've tried various approaches, including home microdermabrasion, mild acid peels, Skin Doctors White in conjunction with their day and night retinol treatments and also salon IPL treatments, but with very limited success. The marks disappear a little during the very dark winter months, but appear as soon as the February early morning sun hits my face, even with a spf 30 lotion.

I'm currently considering trying Environ skin care, or retinol creams such as tretinoin, but I'm a little concerned about causing damage to my skin.

If anyone has any suggeations I'd be very grateful!



Well-known member
I've used tretinoin for about 5 years now and it's great. Dulls down the pigmentation and also keeps my oily skin in check. I know people report bad experiences with it, but to be honest it's one of those products that you really have to stick with until you find the right balance of application (amount, frequency, etc) to work for you and then the results start to pay off. Compared to most high-end skin treatments it's very reasonably priced & very effective.


Well-known member
That's fantastic news - thanks Anita! I notice you live in the UK too - would you mind saying where you buy it from - I'm a little concerned about getting dodgy gunk off of the Internet! Also, what sort of moisturisers are likely to work alongside it - I'm guessing that something like Environ (which is a retinol based system) would be too much - I currently use Eucerin, but am considering changing to Liz Earle.
