Hyperreal Pressed Powder - PRO product


Active member
Just wondering if this was any good? Is it really shimmery, sparkly, glittery and any shade recs for an NW15? Thanks!


Well-known member
These have a heavy yellow undertone to them. I have light and medium. I am an NW25. I think medium would be too dark for an NW15.

There is the slightest bit of shimmer in them. I don't think of them as shimmery or sparkly when applied though. They remind me more of a Beauty Powder, in that they give you that soft focus look.


Active member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
These have a heavy yellow undertone to them. I have light and medium. I am an NW25. I think medium would be too dark for an NW15.

There is the slightest bit of shimmer in them. I don't think of them as shimmery or sparkly when applied though. They remind me more of a Beauty Powder, in that they give you that soft focus look.

Hmm - thanks for the info. Sounds great except for the yellow undertone. My store turns PRO this fall - guess I'll wait to see it in person : )