I Am F***in Appalled And Disgusted!


Well-known member
"A new Afghan law that dramatically inhibits the rights of women, including reportedly legalizing rape within marriage....
It would reportedly make it illegal for a woman to refuse to have sex with her husband and forbid her from leaving home without her husband's permission"

if this shit passes, i'm gunna be so fuckin pissed.
in this day and age, you'd think the world would have stepped over and wayyy above this kind of outrageous mentality. sorry if i'm passing judgement over the beliefs and values of other cultures, but WHEN THE FUCK IS IT EVER RIGHT TO RAPE???? tell me...please.

urgh, i'm so upset right now.

CTV.ca | Outrage over Afghan law legalizing rape in marriage


Well-known member
It grosses me out to think that women are still treated as second class citizens in the world. WTF...


Well-known member
I was in Fabricland when this came on the radio in there and every woman in there looked up with this look of horror over their faces.

I can't believe that this level of inequality still exists in today's world. I feel so terrible for those women


Well-known member
the video footage i saw on the news showed men chasing and beating women with wooden sticks and whips as well as kicking them them like they're prisoners! and all you see are these helpless women running away from them.
like...seriously. c'mon. r u kidding me?!?!


Well-known member
It is a sad (but necessary) reminder that women all over the world do not share the same equality and freedoms. I am thankful that I do live in a country where that type of behavior is not sanctioned by our legal system.


Well-known member
That is horrid....lets just hope this does not create a increased number of Lorena Bobbit issues


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bcsweetascandy
It is a sad (but necessary) reminder that women all over the world do not share the same equality and freedoms. I am thankful that I do live in a country where that type of behavior is not sanctioned by our legal system.

totally agree. i am so thankful for being where i am. my heart aches for those who have it the complete opposite.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
That is horrid....lets just hope this does not create a increased number of Lorena Bobbit issues

maybe if a few more penises got cut off, SOMEONE may finally understand how mother effin RIDICULOUS they are!!!


Originally Posted by Hilly
Lorena Bobbit....cut that shit!

ya..cut that shit x 10000000.
"WHO ELSE WANTS THEIR PEEN CUT!!?!??" *holds machete out*


Well-known member
There is no such thing as rape in marriages.Everyone has the right to refuse sex and i dont think men push for it either.media makes up shit whts else is new?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenee.sum
totally agree. i am so thankful for being where i am. my heart aches for those who have it the complete opposite.

maybe if a few more penises got cut off, SOMEONE may finally understand how mother effin RIDICULOUS they are!!!


ya..cut that shit x 10000000.
"WHO ELSE WANTS THEIR PEEN CUT!!?!??" *holds machete out*

I think u need to cut the peens of all the men wether afghan,american ect who rape outta marriage and in.Can u imagine how much thatll add up too???


Well-known member
Excellent, let's cut off some penises. That will get the message across... Wait, what message is that exactly?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fuzz
There is no such thing as rape in marriages.Everyone has the right to refuse sex and i dont think men push for it either.media makes up shit whts else is new?

tell this to someone who has been in a sexually abusive marriage...

Rape is forced, unwanted sexual intercourse. Rape is about power - to take control over another human being.

ya everyone has the right to refuse sex, but just because you REFUSE it doesn't mean another human being isn't going to use their power over you and force it anyways. THAT would constitute rape. so screw a legal piece of paper, RAPE IS RAPE whether it's within a legal marriage or not.

Originally Posted by fuzz
I think u need to cut the peens of all the men wether afghan,american ect who rape outta marriage and in.Can u imagine how much thatll add up too???

yup i actually can. and it sickens me to think rape happens AT ALL. no matter what country it is in.

Originally Posted by NutMeg
Excellent, let's cut off some penises. That will get the message across... Wait, what message is that exactly?

LOL i was actually joking. i'm afraid cutting penises off ain't gunna solve the problem in reality.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bcsweetascandy
It is a sad (but necessary) reminder that women all over the world do not share the same equality and freedoms. I am thankful that I do live in a country where that type of behavior is not sanctioned by our legal system.

I agree. While I understand that different belief systems and cultures can create conflicting ideas on certain topics, I think that this is definitely an extreme.


Well-known member
this isnt the only country that has legal forms of rape. I was told the other day that some parts of South Africa used what it called corrective rape. Men rape lesbians to correct their "learned sexual deviant behavior".

When i hear about things like this, i am SO glad i'm Canadian. And have a man that respect women of course.

And yes, rape exsists within marriage. Just because you're married does not mean that you are at all times willing to service your husband. Any time you are forced or coerced it is rape. Plain and simple. Many some men and women don't like to talk about it, but thats what it is. If it were a stranger we would call it rape. Why does it change when it's your husband?


Well-known member
UGH. I, personally, believe all rapists should be castrated. Really and truly, it's a crime that almost no punishment can equalize because the trauma lasts a lifetime. The thought that rape is not only condoned, but legal in some places makes me sick to my stomach. The message being sent is: It doesn't matter what you want, your body does not belong to you and it can be used as another sees fit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
this isnt the only country that has legal forms of rape. I was told the other day that some parts of South Africa used what it called corrective rape. Men rape lesbians to correct their "learned sexual deviant behavior".

i don't even know where to begin with that...LEARNED sexual deviant behaviour? maybe i learned my eye color too...
maybe some people DO learn their sexual orientation,
, but to say it is ONLY learned? hmm, don't think so.


Well-known member
yes. well... some of these countries also practice female genital; mutilation... so.... obviously not the best source of sexuality, yes?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
yes. well... some of these countries also practice female genital; mutilation... so.... obviously not the best source of sexuality, yes?

FGM...*shiver* off topic, but yes men in america get circumcized (cuz GFM is compared to male circumcision) but the rationale behind the practice, surgical tools, surgical environment, health complications/effects, etc is just