I can't believe she's gone :(


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I really need to vent and no one around me really understands, and usually when that happens I know I can always turn to Specktra.

I'm suffering from the loss of my wonderful beloved cat, Kiki.

God I can't even think about her without crying...

She was my very best friend. I couldn't go anywhere in the house without her right at my heels. I couldn't even go pee without her clawing and meowing at the door to come in. Whenever I'd come home, the first thing I'd see is her running down the stairs meowing at me. She was so spastic, so playful, really one of a kind. I've never met any cat with a personality like hers.

About a month ago she got sick with pyometra, and needed a hysterectomy. If she didn't have it, the pyometra would have been fatal. We couldn't afford it, and I was terrified of losing her. Thankfully my dad paid for her surgery and she made it...but only for a few more weeks

I just...I thought I saved her. I thought I saved her life and even remembered telling her how happy I was that she'd be happy and healthy now, and I was wrong. This past Monday night I noticed she was drooling excessively from her mouth. I took her to the vet yesterday since it got even worse and blood was now present. I got a call from the vet saying that she's in critical condition, just really bad shape, and anything we did would be an uphill battle. He'd be surprised if she made it until morning...apparently her kidneys were really messed up. They needed more time to figure out what exactly was wrong with her but she was just so sick he knew she wouldn't make it for much longer. Even if she had a blood transfusion (which I couldn't afford anyway) he said he'd be surprised if it worked...so we decided to put her down.

This is one of the hardest things I've had to go through. I loved her SO so much you guys. She was my companion, my best best friend. It kills me that I never got to say goodbye. That when I took her in I thought everything was going to be ok and it all fell apart. I thought I saved her life and then BAM out of nowhere she's deathly ill and then gone! I keep imagining her rounding the corner, or meowing for me, and as soon as I look and she's not there I just lose it. I haven't stopped crying except to sleep

I just miss her with all of my heart and always will. If anyone went through anything similar or can offer any advice on how to cope I will appreciate it more than you know.






Well-known member
its INCREDIBLY hard to put a pet down, and its something you never quite get over. There are people that consider pets belongings, and have no real attachment to them, and then there are the people (like me, and obviously you) who consider their pets as their family, friends, companions...

There is no easy way to get over it, its one of the hardest things you can do.

I wish you all the best, and just remember that she's in a better place now.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry about your kitty! I've lost some of my cats as well & it's really hard! Just like melozburngr said, some people just look at them as animals & can be heartless. As for me, they are a part of my family & have their own unique personalities that really add something to my life. I eventually did get other cats after the ones I lost & it has really helped (though this may not be the right time for you). You'll always have the memories though. Take care!


Well-known member
All i can say is i am very sorry for your loss. I know that pets become family members. I wish you all the best and perhaps it will comfort you to know that your cat was lucky to have such a thoughtful owner like you and she is in a better place now where she won't be in any type of pain.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry.

I remember the feeling well, although it's been 3 years since my beloved little cat Squeak had to be put to sleep. She sounds very much like your cat, she used to follow me everywhere too, so sweet and loving and a real character. We rescued her from some abusive owners and she lived a happy life with us from that point on for many years. That's how I remember her, happy and contented, and not in pain like she was at the end of her life. I knew she was ill but still wasn't prepared for the shock of losing her, and I felt like you do - like she would just run down the stairs at any second and meow. We felt like we had lost one of our family members.

It's like any bereavement and it takes a good few days to sink in. I really hope you're feeling better in a few days, and that very soon you can think of her and smile instead of crying


Well-known member
Honey, I feel so bad for you. All i can tell you is that in time it will get a little bit better. It's been almost a year since my dog died and I still miss her terribly sometimes. She went through a lot in her life time and the end was rough. She got really sick from the bad pet food. I went through a terrible spout of severe anger. I mean I felt like in an effort to cut costs those horrible people killed my friend. I still get furious when I see the brand sitting on the shelfs at the store =/. I feel like ripping it all down and having it all scattered all over the floor. ...end rant

Honey I am truly sorry. I know it the end it gave me some comfort to know that Prissy wasn't in pain any more (which she was in the end). I am very thankful that I was lucky enough to have a dog with such a wonderful personality. I know no dog will ever compare .

You are in my thoughts and we are all here for you.


Well-known member
I'm so, so sorry. I can't really offer you much advice as I don't know how to get over the death of my dear cat either, but I can absolutely understand your feelings. My Pyewackett had to be put to sleep earlier this year and I think of her every day and miss her so much.

The only way I can think about it that makes me feel better is to think how happy she made my whole family for her 15 years and how grateful I am that we had the chance to love her, because she was truly loved for every single moment of her life that she spent with us. We got her from the Cats Protection League at 8 weeks old and she had a fabulous life from that moment on. No doubt Kiki means just as much to you and has made a huge impression on your life too so she was a lucky, lucky cat to be so loved and cared for.


Well-known member
So sorry to hear about your kitty. I have a cat as well, who is my baby so I know how hard it would be to lose her. Hang in there and know that people feel for you. One day at a time is the only way to get through any loss. It will get better. I am so sad for you.


Well-known member
I cannot express my gratitude enough to each and every one of you. It means the world to me, from the bottom of my heart. It's so very painful but my heart warms up every time I read this thread. <3 and hugs to all.


Well-known member
I am SO sorry, sweetie, I really feel for you.. god your post just made me start crying thinking of my cat Sugar

I had her from when I was 3 years old and we had to put her down when I was 20. That was 5 years ago and it still hurts. She was truly my best friend, any time I was feeling crappy she would be right there curled up next to me.. It was literally the worst thing I had to do saying goodbye to her. I couldn't bring myself to go to the vet, but nonetheless it was the worst day of my life..

Just know that you did all that you could to help prolong her life and quality of life, and that she is no longer in pain. I know you miss her like hell right now and I know exactly how you feel. I hope time eases the pain a bit..

Take care.. if you need to vent some more feel free to PM me. ((hugs))


Well-known member
Hugs to you. I'm so sorry you have to go thru this. It's such a hard thing to deal with when you lose a pet. Know that you and Kiki are in my prayers.


Well-known member
I felt pretty much the exact same thing that you did when I lost my dog Snicker. I loved her more than just a dog. She was a best friend and a constant companion. Try to remember Kiki's life and not her death. And even though she is gone I believe that she will always be watching out for you and she passed knowing she had a wonderful owner. I know that my dog Snicker is in a better place and I will see her again some day. I like to think that she is my guardian angel and will always watch out for me just as she did when she was alive. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Just take it one day at a time.


Well-known member
You brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. She is somewhere great, playing with all of the other animals....You will see her again

I'm so sorry


Well-known member
I'm so sorry
Losing a pet is absolutely devastating. I have a cat who'll be 10 years old in February, and just the thought that he's getting older and that I may not have that much time with him scares me to bits. Stay strong!


Well-known member
I'm really sorry for your loss.

I was in your position 2 years ago when I lost my 4 year old STORM (July 13th). I will never forget that day and just reading your story brought tears to my eyes. He passed from massive heart failure and just when you think you have them back their precious life is taken away from us

I miss him so much but time does heal wounds and it DOES get better. Believe me it will. I couldnt sleep either and every time I tried to fall asleep I would just think of him and think to myself "I cant believe he's gone..."
I was so heartbroken and I know you are too.

The best comfort you can give yourself is knowing that you gave Kiki the best life you could while you had her with you. Cherish your memories forever.

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...