I can't change the style of the forum permenantly.


Well-known member
Everytime i change the style to 'Romantic Speckles' it goes back to the old style whenever i go onto a new page, thread, or post.
How can i change it permenantly?


Well-known member

Let me know if that doesn't work for you.


Well-known member
It hasn't worked
and when i go back to do the same thing it still has 'Romantic Speckles' saved on it but it just doesn't actually change it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
It hasn't worked
and when i go back to do the same thing it still has 'Romantic Speckles' saved on it but it just doesn't actually change it.

Try deleting your cookies?


Well-known member
Unfortuantly I can't do much for you as the problem is not with a forum setting.

I would try as mentioned above to delete your browsers cache or "cookies".


Well-known member
I was just wondering....... I had my specktra set to the blue and white background, and now it is no longer there, and I keep on getting the romantic speckles layout. What happened to the plainer blue and white layout?


Well-known member
The default vBulletin skin has been removed from the options. It's not a Specktra branded skin and had been left up as a courtesy, unfortuantly I can no longer offer non branded specktra skins. Leppy/Adrienne will work on a "plainer" specktra branded skin when she has some time. My apologies to anyone this inconviences in the meantime.


Well-known member
Can we not change the skins at all anymore?? I used to have the purple/black one and It was fine for me yesterday but now I have no option to change it at all.


Well-known member
Hm, this just changed today? I was working on something in the skinning system today but there isn't any reason this should have changed. Which skin was previously available that suddenly isn't, the purple and black one that matches the front site?

Edit: Try it now. The only issue using that skin will cause is that there are soon going to be certain integrated parts of the site that will have to use a specific variant of the 'romantic speckles' one, so it will be a little odd jumping back and forth! Anyway it should work again.