I did it! Lost 121 lbs.


Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

You look fantastic!


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
You look WONDERFUL!!!! You sexy mama!!! You look *great* now. Keep goin', and you're gonna look EVEN better!!!

Congrats to you. Losing that much weight is one of the hardest things in the world to do. You should go out and 'congratulate' yourself with a few purchases from MAC!!!

You are beautiful gal!

Thank you so much. (All of you!) I really like this suggestion...I'm waiting for the July collections!


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

It has been almost 5 months. Again, this is all under a doctor's care!



Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

How long have you been doing this? That is so amazing. Congratulations!!!

Oh just realized that you said how long you've been doing it. Again, good work!!


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

Wonderful job! I've been battling with my weight all my life but it wasn't until after I got married that I put on a lot of weight...I'm talking 87 lbs worth of weight. This year I decided that I was going to lose it and I was going to lose it the right way by finally changing my eating habits and being realistic (the realistic thing has always been the thing that's gotten me). So far I've lost 20 lbs but I haven't been motivated for the past month and had lost my desire or will to even try. But seeing these great pics of you has reminded me that I can do whatever I put my mind to! So thank you soooooo much for posting this thread!! You really are an inspiration!! You look fabulous and I'm so happy for you! Now to get myself back in gear...


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

thank you so much! congrats on the 20lbs and good luck on your goal! you can do it!!!

i reached 99lbs lost today..OMG the past 5 lbs have been torture. cross my fingers that i will reach 100 this week.


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

You are doing so great. How will you transition back to a normal diet?


Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

I am soo proud of you! Weight loss is one of the hardest things that I struggle with daily.


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

Originally Posted by Karen_B
You are doing so great. How will you transition back to a normal diet?

It will take about 3 months. Every 2 weeks an carb addition is made. I was hoping for a piece of chocolate or a dirty martini..but, it's gonna be more like a slice of whole grain bread, or whole grain cereal.
I'm gonna have to suck it up!


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

Wow, you are doing such a great job. Keep up the good work.


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

ur are my hero..and im being serious...i so want your drive and ambition to lose the weight....everyone knows how hard it is to start but once you get going (and you have) its easier to make it a lifestyle...you look so beautiful and we are all so proud of you....please keep all of us inspired


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

Guess what? I just reached 100 lbs lost!!! whoo hoo!

only 16 to go, well, maybe 26, but i'll cross that bridge when i get there. will post new pic soon.

Thanks again for all of your support!


Well-known member
Re: Almost Reached My Goal of 116lbs Lost

WOW you look fantastic. i'm sure this will transform your life!
i lost a reasonable amount of weight a couple of years ago (pathetic by your amazing achievement!) but its the best thing i've ever done - That and bought a ton of mac stuff!
So congrats and enjoy yourself - you look amazing