I had a work nightmare... what does it mean?...


Well-known member
OK... ive been in "the industry" for 14+ years now and with MAC for 5 years... the other night Ihad this dream

I was at work but everything seemed odd somehow... couldnt put my finger on it... then I realized that I was wearing all white and not all black... thought "strange, what kind of Theme day is this?" then I caught myself in the mirror and lost it...

I was working for Clinique and had "That" labcoat on....

note: not a joke (wish it was)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I call that a nightmare... trust me, wearing that lab coat is a nightmare!

OMG I love you!!

I guess maybe it's your uuum... fear of working for Clinique? Loosing what MAC stands for (Creativity, variety...) or maybe being trapt/stuck in...what Clinique stands for?? Do you like Clinique? Or are you afraid of loosing your job in general?