i have been MIA for a while, but i made a flower on my face...


Well-known member
hey, everyone! i have not really been posting on specktra lately...i have just been super busy with school and stuff...i have been lurking mostly. i doubt anyone will remember me...i have not posted an FOTD since new years. whatevs. the other night, my little sister and i decided to play with my makeup and i made a flower on my face.

ps, i used all mac.

mineralize satinfinish foundation in NW20.
pearl blossom beauty powder.
sculpt and shape powder.

perky paint pot.
haunting f/l.
non conformist f/l.
mi'lady minerlise e/s.
pink venus e/s.
parfait amour e/s.
stars 'n rockets e/s.
trax e/s.
roming e/s.

stem and petals:
shade f/l.
pharoah paint pot.
wondergrass e/s.
juxt e/s.
divine lime glitter e/l.

magenta l/p.
funtabulous dazzleglass.

so...here it is.



here's my little sister, the mask she did on herself, and me.

so, what do you guys think?

ps to the mods: so sorry if the pictures are too big. i am fairly certain i resized them correctly.

thanks, everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
I remember you! You both are really cute! I really like the flower!

thank you! i remember you too! oh my gosh, it feels great to be back...i am going to be posting fotds all the time now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I remember you! Don't you freelance for MAC?
You did an awesome job on your flower!

yes, i did get a job freelancing for mac! i remember you too! thank you!