i have to write a paper on CHanel!!! help!!!


Well-known member
hey guys, i have to write a paper on why Chanel is a fashion icon. i guess it's kinda obvious. but are there any specific examples that u guys know about that would epitomize what she's all about? any input would be greatly appreciated!!! gotta write that paper


Well-known member
Really the only thing I can tell you and I hate saying this but - google it.

I mean just type in Chanel and fashion breakthroughs and I'm sure you will get more stuff than you know what to do with.


Well-known member
I'd go to the library.

Don't use Wikipedia as a source. While fun to read in your spare time, do not use it as a resource because some claims and "sources" on there are unfounded. If you are writing this for a college course, it is especially a bad idea.


New member
I did a report on her in my HS humanities class...
I don't remember too many interesting things but she started out selling hats! =]