I need a new hair color!!!!


Well-known member
So Ive had my pink hair for like 4 months now.. and even though I LOVE it to pieces.. I need a change. Actually.. the real reason is that I like this boy, and his parents are a little bit conservative. I think his parents like me, but last time I saw them (I used to have one side pink and the other blue) they said I was crazy... so I want to look more.. I dont know.. grown!.. although I look 15 even thou Im 20!.. Plus all the retouching has really fried my pink ends.. and I keep trimming and they keep frying!.. and I dont want to cut my hair real short. So I was thinking maybe something like this:

lol.. I had a looooot of time in my hands..

and my current hair color is:

and before that:


and WAAAAY before that (really bad decision)

so what do you guys think??? any recomendations are GREATLY appreciated!!! thanks in advanced!


Well-known member
i really like what you posted in that picture with Paris! love the highlights, i think they'd give your hair alot of dimension


Well-known member
i dont think you should have to change your hair color to impress anybody if you do it you should do it for you. I think the top style is nice i would just make the base color darker i think it would look better with your complexion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
i dont think you should have to change your hair color to impress anybody if you do it you should do it for you.

Agreed, 110%. No offense, but unless the guy you like is a total mamma's boy, he'll like you for you, and that means he'll like your hair too. And, if his family were balanced and respectable people, they would see you as a beautiful, talented happy individual and not just a, let me quote, "crazy" chick with pink and blue hair. Their son did pick you to date, and he must have inherited some common sense, right? What they said about you is downright RUDE, mammacita. Personally, if I had a son who brought home a pink-and- blue-haired girl I would pat him on the back for not having fascist beauty standards towards women.

If you still want to rake in the brownie points with the ma, I would do your pink streaks cranberry red and leave the rest of it black. I
the asymetrical bangs idea!!! And leave your length!!! Maybe do a blonde streak in there, too. That's a hot, more grown up, but still punky-alternative look for ya. And if the parental units are still not satisfied, ELOPE! LOL


little teaser

Well-known member
i love the color in that pic with paris- but not the bangs i think it looks good i love nicole hair now it really looks good i was also thinking about doing my hair simular to that but i dont know about dyeing it red it's to hard to maintain ur so pretty i think anything would look good!!


Well-known member
I love the color it is now, maybe just dye the pink parts to match the rest? Or like in the first pic but more brown/warm instead of red/brassy. You should use those clip in colored extension things! that way you can still have vibrant color stripes in your hair but you can take them out when you want!


Well-known member
First off, you are absolutely gorgeous, you can shave it or get a mullet an dyou'll still be beautiful
I realy love the way your hair is now, pink hair rocks. If you are going to change it I think you would look really great with a redish color.
As for being 20 and looking 15 I feel ya. I'm 23 and on a good day I can pass for 18


Well-known member
I know what you mean about he liking me just how I am, and he should! lol.. thanks a lot!!
I still have to dye it before January though.. Im studying to be a teacher and I start my practice in Jan and the teachers that will be evaluating me already told me I have to dye it a "natural" color, plus I just got hired at Flamers and my boss told me to dye it too.. lol.. so I have to dye it either wat!

Thanks a bunch again for your help!

Right know Im Just dying my pink strikes black...
Originally Posted by NikkiHorror
Agreed, 110%. No offense, but unless the guy you like is a total mamma's boy, he'll like you for you, and that means he'll like your hair too. And, if his family were balanced and respectable people, they would see you as a beautiful, talented happy individual and not just a, let me quote, "crazy" chick with pink and blue hair. Their son did pick you to date, and he must have inherited some common sense, right? What they said about you is downright RUDE, mammacita. Personally, if I had a son who brought home a pink-and- blue-haired girl I would pat him on the back for not having fascist beauty standards towards women.

If you still want to rake in the brownie points with the ma, I would do your pink streaks cranberry red and leave the rest of it black. I
the asymetrical bangs idea!!! And leave your length!!! Maybe do a blonde streak in there, too. That's a hot, more grown up, but still punky-alternative look for ya. And if the parental units are still not satisfied, ELOPE! LOL

