I need some help here!


Well-known member
Ok I need some recs on a good cream facial hair remover. I'm currently using Sally Henson's facial hair remover for the upper lip. Let me just tell you... it burns the HELL out of my skin and irritates the corners of my mouth and that's only after 3 min. Can anyone recommend one that is more gentle yet effective? TIA!!


Well-known member
Honestly, I hate dipilotory creams because I have really sensitive skin and the last time i used one on my face lets just say - i got so badly burned - lets just say I had to go to the Dr right away!

Your best bet- and i'm not being cute either- is getting your face/lips waxed. At least you know its safe that way.


Well-known member
you know what, I get irritated very very easily!! That's why I don't wax it anymore. I've tried many many different kinds of depilatory creams and the best one that doesn't irritate me is the one from Avon. And guess what, it's so freakin cheap!


Well-known member
Do veet have a facial hair remover? I find there stuff is non iritating to my skin (dumbass maybe, but I also used it once on my face and your not spose to... oops, even tho it worked good. No burning!)


Active member
Facial Hair

I'm not sure where to put this, but this is my recommendation to all you wonderful wonderful people

I've tried threading (made me break out like never before :S), creams, and was ready to go for waxing (but was deterred by horror stories
) BUT I found my HG in this dept...

...Epicare! It's this spring-like contraption you bend and sort of roll over back and forth on your skin and VOILA-- NO HAIR. I took a chance and got it shipped out here to Singapore, and I can definitely say no regrets for this one

1) No downtime
2) No having to go to the waxing salon
3) No burns

4) No HAIR!!!

There's even a video to show you how easy it is to use.


Well-known member
Re: Facial Hair

yeah ive tried it, its okay, still hurts prefer threading at the salon though