i overanalyze hair color so much...opinions please?!


Well-known member
okay so i am THE MOST indecisive person in the entire world!Im getting my hair cut and colored saturday, and while i already have the haircut i want, i am not sure about the color. so i was going to ask you guys for your opinions.

this is me with my most recent hair color(red):

option 1:

option 2: red again

im sorry i bombarded you guys with so many pictures and text, but i am just so crazy when it comes to hair color. I really liked the red on me, but i feel like i want to switch it up and do brown this time since i had brown last time. i cant stand having a consistent hair color! lol.
but then im worried that i wont like the brown if i get it because i feel like brown is such a "boring" color, and so many more people have brown then red.
but i chose that particular brown on jessica cause i thought it was more unique.
but anyways... as you can see i overanalyze things WAY too much, but thats just me. opinion please :/ i appreciate this


Well-known member
Option 1 is gorgeous ... it's not far off from the red! I would try it, and if you don't like ... back red it goes!

I've been all colors of the rainbow and can't decide which ones suits me best. :/


Well-known member
thanks everyone!
the reason you cant see option 2 is cause i meant for it to be the same pic as the first one, so thats why i said red again.
but i think ive come to the conclusion that im going to go for the brown. and as someone said, if i dont like it its changeable

thanks again!


Well-known member
I like the brown pic. Her hair is super shiny, so when you dye it, to keep that color, use a glaze treatment so it stays nice and shiny. Rinse in cold water!


Well-known member
i think you'll love going brown more than going back to red. i always find it that i get bored of my look really quickly if i just dye it back to what i already had. although a bright fuscia is really fun.. i loved my fuscia hair! i don't think i will do red again lol. now i'm a blonde
have you considered blonde?


Well-known member
WHy does that pic look strange, I don't think JS head belongs on that body, it's too big lol

But that is a great brown! I think it would like great on you and brighten your skin and bring some color to it. But it looks 2 toned. Her front crown looks darker than rest.

Good luck