I so want to go swimming again...


Well-known member
I love going to the beach or just hanging out at the poolside at my boyfriend's condo. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing this much lately because it's raining like crazy everyday! Anyway, I just wanted to share some of these pictures, because these are probably the only ones I have where I'm not wearing make-up. LOL.


This was a picture taken of me and printed in a Filipino magazine in circulation here. The article talked about skincare during the summer. But LOL I'm not a model. It was just randomly taken by my boyfriend and borrowed for the article.


My baby brother, Lex, and me in Sentosa beach. This is one of those LOLwhut? pictures. Yep, I'm 25 and I have an infant brother.


Taken at Bintan, Indonesia during Chinese New Year.


My cousin, the goofball. Also, I love the bikini I got in this picture.


My most recent tanning exercise taken last week, before I went to get another perm. This was just at the poolside of my bf's condo.

And that's all the camwhoring I have. Damn, this makes me want to go to the beach again. I hope it's not raining when I vacation again in the Philippines next week. I wanna go to Boracay!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Lucky you!
Here, we have 7 feets of snow in front of the door...


Wow that's quite terrible! I've never actually seen snow in my life LOL. I'm so happy to live in a tropical country because I'm unable to stand temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius.

Also, I won't be able to tan any time of the year I want.