I wanna dye my hair blue, but I love red lipstick. This could be a problem.


Well-known member
I won't give up my red lipsticks, but I refuse to look... patriotic. Is there any way to pull off true red lips if you have deep, vibrant blue hair?


Active member
I totally know what you mean, i've thought about the same thing. But i've actually seen a girl with black-ish hair who had lots of blue streaks in it, and she was wearing bright red lipstick and actually looked gorgeous. It didn't clash at all or look weird. I don't know if it helps, but just wanted to offer that up....


Well-known member
I have seen a few people pull this off. It works best w/ lighter skin. But I truly think it is mainly about attitude. Good luck!


Well-known member
Ooo there was a girl in LJ mac_cos that had SUPER blue hair and always pulled off red lips so well. I think if it's "you", it won't look forced or bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
I dont see what the problem is?

Looking like... well, a walking American flag comes to mind. Maybe this is just me, but I have trouble seeing red and blue together without thinking about the fourth of July. If other people don't have that weird association, then I have no problem with the lips and hair together. It looks like you guys don't, so it would seem I don't have a problem.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by visivo
Ooo there was a girl in LJ mac_cos that had SUPER blue hair and always pulled off red lips so well. I think if it's "you", it won't look forced or bad.

You don't remember her username, do you? It would be really cool to see how it looked.