I wanna live in ___________!


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I would love to live in Boise Idaho. My family goes up there every other year on vacation to visit relatives, and I love it there. Its a big city, but not crazy like LA or phoenix. I can see myself living there someday.


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san francisco all the way. even though i live like an hour away, i could never afford to live there. i always think people who have immediate family there are so lucky!

i love everything about it and it always seems like there's so much action going on there, i just want to be a part of it so bad.* haha my boyfriend doesn't really like it too much, i guess because he kind of grew up there and that makes me jealous. as a whole though, my dream place to live is the bay area in general, so i guess i've already achieved that. i have way too much norcal pride even though i'm from texas, but i love it here and can't imagine being anywhere else.

*yeah, i'm nutso.


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Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Screw the east coast humidity, I am a west coast girl. Within a few years we are moving to our destination of choice, Seattle. We might take overseas jobs again though just to spend some time back in Europe.

I LOVE Seattle too. I lived there for 2 years but I am afraid the SO did not like it so much, he is strickly an east coast lover.


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I'm a cali girl so I'd love to live back in Irvine. I could never get used to the East and its humidity!!!

Internationally I'd love to be in Italy or Japan =]


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London would be great. Maybe somewhere in Germany again. New Zealand would be fun, I think. Norway would be great for me and the hubby, as its the most socially progressive/liberal country out there, but I don't think I could handle the cold.

I've always wanted to live in NYC; just to say I've done it.

M.A.C. head.

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I would love to live in California [again].

I just moved away from there (all the way across the country to VA) and I miss it so much.


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Im from NY and thanks to the military I have lived in Southern California and currently living in North Carolina.I want to move back to NY in the worst way.I'm a city girl and love city living. I love the noise,the people,the shopping the food.California is a close 2nd.


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Although I'm going to North Carolina for the first time in Sept and I hear it's a nice place to live.


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I want to move back home to the suburbs of Philadelphia! Four years ago, we moved to the Tampa Bay, FL area and I HATE IT! Before we got here, I thought it would be so awesome to have hot weather all the time, not have to worry about snow, be able to go to the beach anytime I wanted, and boy, was I wrong. I seriously can't wait to get out of here. In Philadelphia, we were close enough to the city, but far enough away at the same time. Now I realize I love having 4 seasons. And, while living in PA, I spent more time at the New Jersey beaches that were 2 hours away, than I do now and the beach is 30 minutes away. We are working towards getting back home sometime in the next 6 months. I can't wait!


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Southern California. San Diego, Orange County, Oceanside... I'd be happy with either of those 3. OR- Newport News, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, VA area, I LOVE it there!!! It used to be Europe, but now I live here, and I really am not a big fan. I'm origianally from Birmingham, Alabama, But I have lived in Pensacola, Florida for a few years, which is my current #1, Chicago, Oklahoma City, Colorado, and O-side, California when I was really little.


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I can't wait to move back to NYC! I dislike the south esp where I am because of it's blue laws.
I'm originally from Barbados so home is my vacation/retirement Mecca


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I would love to move to Phoenix, AZ or Las Vegas, NV. I am such a big city girl, but Minneapolis is too frickin' cold in the winter!!