I want to work for MAC in Austin, few ?'s!!


New member
Do any of you work For MAC in Austin, TX? I live in Nebraska right now, w/ plans on moving to Austin in the next couple of months and was hoping to get some info on the chances of getting a job....I am a cosmetologist, i have been working in an Aveda salon for 9 years, and have recently been training to be a makeup artist. There are no MAC stores or counters here, but am obsessed w/ the line and working for MAC is my ultimate career goal. Two things I am nervous about, I have a baby and have yet to lose the weight I gained, I need to lose 50 pounds. It may sound silly but do any of you think that would be a problem w/ getting a job w/ MAC? Plus I have one tiny piercing in my upperlip area, any company policies or prejudices in that area? Any info at all would be sooo helpful, as this is all I can think about!!
Laura Bilbo


Well-known member
M.A.C Does like to hire individuals w/a good sense of style,most of the time w/unique looks,tattoos + piercings.I myself have a nose ring,and I got the job.
It does depend on the store however,Nordstroms is a bit more stricter than say dilliards or macy's would be.I don't think your weight would affect your sales ability,or makeup application so I say you should go for it.If its your true passion,they will see that,they surely want employees whom are passionate about the company and product.Make a great resume,and become familiar w/the MAC MA in your area..talk to the manager.Follow your dreams!Good luck!