If you only had two eye shadow colors...


Well-known member
What colors would you use and where/how would you apply them?

I'm just curious... on the days I don't have a lot of time, I usually don't do much and thought I would ask to get some ideas!

May be a silly queston
But looking for some inspirtations!!

Thanks ladies!


Well-known member
Ricepaper and Carbon. They are so versatile. I would probably put ricepaper on the lid and smoke out the lashline with carbon.


Well-known member
All that glitters on whole lid and sketch in outer V/crease, and liner.

Or honey lust with greensmoke same way

Also L'Oreal's HIP duo in saucy applied the same way


Well-known member
Nylon because of it's texture - it has enhanced blendability. I'd use it to base out the whole eye, blending very well. Brush #227 or #217

Then build highlights at the brow bone and center of lid. #202 or #239

Then I'll go with Nehru (black but not the blackest) for crease, lining, and smokey options. Very controlable level of intensity. #208 or #219

I'd also blend the two together for brow-filling options (you'll all soon realize I'm obsessed with eyebrows). The ratio would depend on your complexion and/or desired look. Soft and natural or totally vamped-out.


Well-known member
Lately, I've been doing a really quick, "glowy", neutral eye. I put Era all over the lid and then Sable in the crease. I'm NW15, so it just gives me a really soft, golden kind of look - I don't think it would work if you were much darker than though, since Era is a pretty light color.

I also really like Innuendo on the lid with Shale in the crease and as liner.


Well-known member
hmm it depends..

pinks: say yeah on inner lid and expensive pink on the crease and outter lid.

purples: swish on inner lid and nocturnelle on crease and outter lid.

neutrals: retrospeck (or patina) on inner lid and mulch on crease and outter lid.

greens: gorgeous gold (or juxt) on inner lid and sumptuous olive (or greensmoke) on crease and outter lid.

blues: tilt on inner lid and freshwater on crease and outter lid.

greys: vex on inner lid and moth brown on crease and outter lid.


Well-known member
oh and one more thing about "omg i'm so late" days..

i'm having one today and all i wore was winged out black eyeliner and bright l/s (today i chose pomposity but layered on so that it was really bright) and it turned out very polished looking. i really like that look.


Active member
Originally Posted by Tubachick02
Amber Lights for sure and either Cranberry or Beauty Marked



Well-known member
I have this same problem. I have tons of colors, but I have a hard time trying to put colors together in a combo. Some that I love though are:
*Aquadisiac on the inside, with deep truth on the outside smoked out with a little black tied.
*Goldmine on the inside, steamy on the outside and crease with naked lunch on the brow bone. Blend well!!
*Amberlights on inside, antiqued in the middle, and club on the outside and on outside of crease, again, blend well.
*Retrospeck on inside, and cranberry on the outside and crease.
There are a ton more, if your interested, message me. Hope this gives you some ideas.