I'm going to a Job Fair...any suggestions!?


Well-known member
Hi girls,
I'm going to a job fair for Urban Outfitters and is extremely excited yet very nervous because I have never been to a job fair before. They have an opening next month and said to wear casual clothes and to come between 10am-7pm at a certain place. So any suggestions? What is it like?


Well-known member
My main suggestion is get there wayyyyy before 10am by 10am the line will look like a concert line....


Well-known member
Well Ive never visted a job fair looking for a job but I have been to a few representing my department. I can tell you a few things from our side.

Be PROFESSIONAL!! dress, speak, act professional! It sounded like in your post the fair has one company..not the traditional mulit company fair...but still any company is goning to look at a lot of factors. I do when Im doing a job fair. People come to job fairs dressed like slobs, with a bunch of friends, laughing texting and not taking it seriously. Most dont have a resume. If they do have the balls to come up to my booth they use the words like, um,know what I mean more than any other in the whole conversation.

Sorry to rant but people bug me lol...moral of the story. Show up like you mean business, speak with intelligence, and act like you actually want a job.


Well-known member
Thanks girls...yeah I havent done an interview for awhile but I know when to be professional. This job fair is for a clothing store so I gotta dress cute! but i love this store and hope I get it.


Well-known member
I second Natalie's suggestions, dress in something business casual (when they say casual they don't mean ripped jeans and a concert T). I'd suggest slacks and a nice shirt, simple hair and makeup. You want to look like you took time and effort to make yourself presentable.

If you don't have a resume now, get one together. It will set you apart from other job seekers who don't have one, its a signal that you're serious about your search for a job. Even if your current job experience is limited, list it and anything that has helped you build skills (i.e. volunteer work, clubs, etc.) If you've had lots of jobs then leave off the extracurricular stuff.

Do not answer, or even look at your phone when you're speaking with someone about a job. Best to turn it onto vibrate and ignore it until you're done with any interviews.

As has already been said, look and act professionally, you want to give the impression that you are serious and a good investment of their time and energy.



Well-known member
Doing a google search, it seems that it is an on-spot interview. Some of the previous job fair listings have suggested completing the online application before the fair (but I only see an area for submitting your resume online versus an actual application.) I would be prepared to complete an application at the fair. I might even stop at the store and ask for an application so that I could take my time and fill it out neatly beforehand to take with me,

There job listing site also allows you to submit your resume online. I would bring one as well. Urban Outfitters Jobs List

And I think everyone is correct, dress nicely even if casual. In their words: "Please dress casual - what you would wear if you worked for us." They want to be sure that your style fits their image; or that you are comfortable in the style that fits their image. So, definitely don't overdo trying to look too professional.

Casual doesn't have to mean sloppy; just show that you took time to consider and understand the store's image in your choices.


Well-known member
Yeah I already have my resume and finished my application. I just need to find an outfit that will make me stand out but in a professional way
I might just wear skinny black or dark blue jeans with some nice flats, a cute blouse, some jewelry, and have my hair up.