I'm now Product Specialst :)


Well-known member
Well, I start in April. I've helped our current Product Specialist out a lot and am excited to take over the role! I know it's important to have this role under your belt in order to grow with the company so that means a lot to me.
Any current or past Product Specialists have any advice???


Well-known member
Yay! Good for you! I was made our counter's Product Specialist a few weeks ago. Yeah, it's a good thing to have under your belt for sure. When do you go to the Product Specialist meeting? You will seriously learn A LOT there and get really inspired with a lot of different ideas.

Maybe we can give each other ideas! Good luck!


Well-known member
Woo hoo! Congrats!
What exactly does a product specialist do?


Well-known member
Congrats hun!

One thing, please (and I know you will be on top of this) have the looks ready at least a week in advance. When I was perm, our PS would always be late with this and wait til friday when I got into work to tell me what the look was for the next day. I work a full time job and was only working weekends. And even now that I freelance, most PS still wait to the last minute to come up with something.

But I know you wouldn't do that.



Well-known member
Congratulations! You will learn alot! Finding information on upcoming collections is always a good idea, and collages are a great way to desribe products to the team.


Well-known member
Keep communication open between EVERYONE.
Be organized like crazy-get a binder for your paperwork.
Get into a routine. I did face charts/looks for the weekend on Monday or Tuesday, Calls on Wednesday, Sell-Thrus on Thursday or Friday, etc.

Another thing that helped me out is that I created tentative looks for the entire season (as soon as the Update books came out)...mapping out the launch dates & working with the revenue calendar to identify you big weeks. It makes peace plans and face charts much nicer.


Well-known member
Turn all of your paperwork in on time and make the most of it! Frequently a PS role is more visible than even an ARM position. Be the rock star at your location and you and your team will shine!


Well-known member
I have no advice but I wanted to say congrats. This certainly is a step closer to the managerial position you were looking for and i'm sure you'll do great.


Well-known member
Interestingly enough the role is sooo different from location to location. As ps at my old location is was all about looks for the weekend and sell thru/ mix of business numbers. My new location is all about knowing how to push products that don't move well with my current clientele or making sure the new launch even arrived.

I definitely concor on the need to keep communication open with everyone, your trainer, your management, other ps's in the area (they can be a big help if you need ideas).

Really important to get ideas from the staff so they feel involved and not preached to by their ps. Keep in mind that some of your ideas may not go over well - don't take it personally. Just learn and stay positive.


Well-known member
Thank you all so much for the advice
To those that asked what a PS does, your main focus is on new launches and the sell through of those launches. This includes organzing theme days and themes for events. It also includes creating ways to move some of the less popular items from collections. Counting the arrival and tracking the sell through of collections.
I will defnietly be getting looks ready in advance because that drives me nuts too. I also can't stand when it seems like they are just random colors that need to be sold thrown together any which way possible and the makeup doesn't shine.
Thanks everyone!