In a hurry like I was?


Well-known member
Ok, so this is not a face I would normally want to post, but I had very little time this morning to do makeup, but I was definitely not in the mood for blander or neutral colors that I normally throw on when I'm in a hurry. I did this in 10 minutes this morning before running to work, so I thought maybe everyone else would like a quick color idea for busy mornings.

I'm sorry I don't have better pictures at the moment. These were taken after all day at work (16 hours after I put it on), and a night full of laundry!
I also don't have any foundation or powder on since it all came off!

Eye primer (like Shadow Stay in Lauder)
Beautiful Iris eyeshadow - over lid and crease
Passionate eyeshadow - over outer lid and crease and below bottom liner on the outer edge
Haunting fluidline - inner corner and inner bottom liner
Waveline fluidline - top liner and bottom outer liner

Normally tinted moisturizer by Mary Kay
Normally powder foundation by Mary Kay
Cute blush - over apples of cheeks
Blossom/Rose Hip split palette blush - cheek bone





Sorry if you guys don't like it, I just thought it might be useful for crazy days!


Well-known member
those are very beautiful colors on you. its amazing that it stayed on after hours of work and laundry. still looks flawless


Well-known member
those are very beautiful colors on you. its amazing that it stayed on after hours of work and laundry. still looks flawless


Well-known member
fabulous look! I can't believe this is a 'hurried' look for you, it would take me forever to put it together. mad props!