Interview for Estee Lauder counter, with no cosmetology training...? Help!!


Job searching online, i came across a few listings for Macy's. One was a regular sales associate, one was for Estee Lauder makeup/perfume counter. I applied to both.

In the application for Estee Lauder, it asked (with check boxes) what companies i had experience working with. I clicked "none of the above". I've worked in sales (but not cosmetic sales) and retail before so i sent my resume as well.

I got an email back today with a link to choose when i want an interview. There was one available for tomorrow at 11am so i picked it. I've never scheduled an interview like that before!? Weird! I'm thinking about calling early tomorrow morning to make sure i still have it, lol.

Anyway, i'm really worried that it'll be a huge waste of time and i won't get the job seeing as how i have no professional training for applying makeup and whatnot. I'm a huge fan of MAC (i believe Estee Lauder owns?) and i'm great with makeup but their not going to hire me based on the way i look, plus anyone can say they're good at makeup. I'm so confused!


Well-known member
If you consider it a waste of time at this stage it will affect your attitude! Expect the best and plan for it- do your research on the company, find out enough about makeup so you dont sound totally clueless on the interview...plan your outfit and makeup, and do it!


Well-known member
^^Exactly! Do your research and go in like you know what you are doing. The worst thing that is going to happen is that you won't get the job, which is going to happen if you don't do the interview. Good luck!


Thanks =)

I'm assuming their look is more natural & classic, not really my style but i really like these ads:

So i think i'm going to do my makeup more similar to the 2nd one! I don't think it'll be "too much".

As far as answering some standard interview questions, like "what made you choose this company"... since i have no professional training, i'll talk about how i'm more interested in the sales aspect of cosmetics (even though that's a huge lie LOL), or something like that. Blahhh i hate interviews!!


Well-known member
You will be totally fine hon, when I first started at Macy's I was a Junior's sales associate and my job got eliminated so they suggested I try for Clinique. I was the same way I never had cosmetic sales experience at all! Hell I didn't even know how to really put any makeup on, but they will train you so don't feel like it is a waste of time. Go in there with confidence! I will give you a heads up about Macy's the hours suck hardcore sometimes (we stay open till midnight during x-mas time and like special sales, hell tax free weekend it's a midnighter!) and they will want you to push credit cards like crazy. But go for it, GOOD LUCK!


Well-known member
If they weren't at least slightly interested, you would've gotten a rejection email. Now that you got the first, go in and dazzle them with talk about making and exceeding goals, customer passion, building sales and that you love opening credit cards. The first will be with the store and that's what they want to hear, and be ready with stories about how you did those things. 2nd should be with dept manager and last with counter manager/account exec. The last two talk about what excites you about the brand, how you would sell it, and repeat everything you said to the first guy.


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel!!!! I know how to apply my makeup and always get compliments when I'm out and people asking me "how did you do that" but I've never actually applied makeup on anyone else. I want to apply to one of the makeup counters so bad because I love makeup but I'm really nervous that I wouldn't get the job cuz I dont have experience applying makeup and then It'd just make me feel like crap that I didn't get the job. This prolly isn't helping you, sorry. lol. I think you should go for it though. I hope everything works out! Let us know how it goes!


Well-known member
I feel exactly the same as the person above! I'm going to be brave and do a phone interview with Estee Lauder tomorrow though - whats the worst that can happen?!