Is Goldbit being made permanent?


Well-known member
I am sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else, but I did a search and it was just pulling up ridiculous things that didn't say anything about Goldbit at all. Anyway, I have heard from a couple of people that Goldbit is being made permanent and that it is already at some pro store in regular packaging. Can anyone confirm or disprove this? It is definitely not on the MAC website, but apparently the trainer told one of the girls at our counter this.


Well-known member
I'm not a MAC artist so I can't speak on authority of it's permanency. However, I think it was an LE and some stores/counters did not sell out fast like other stores. All the f/s and counters I have in my area told me a while back that they do not have it anymore. But I recently came across this counter and was able to purchase 2 Goldbit e/s & jeweltone e/s in regular packaging from a counter. Also, they still have some travel palettes (sorry don't know the name/collection it was from) that came out a while back.


Well-known member
It is not coming back but is permanent in Asia stores I believe.
It is still LE and when you find it it is because they still have a few in stock.