Is There such a Pigment Colour as SECREAT


Well-known member
Ok Update for you all!!!!!!!!!!

The pigments were sent to trading standards in December and have now been checked and confirmed by M.A.C that they are counterfeit(spelling may not be right lol).

2 weeks ago my statement was taken and along with a copy of the ebay listing and paypal receipt has now been sent up to the manchester trading standards office for action to be taken.

I have contacted the bloke i am dealing with and told him about the new listings on ebay (thanks sparkler for bringing it to my attention) and will ask for an update.

As soon as I have more news I will let you all know.


Well-known member
It's really nice to see something being done about this. A lot of people seem to brush it under the carpet as long as they get a refund. It doesn't help with the problem in the long run and counterfeit items still get sold all over e-bay. I'm appalled that e-bay don't do more to help...but they probably just see the moeny from all the listing fees

Good for you, and I'm hoping this will set the trend for everyone else to take their complaints further.


Well-known member
Thanks......... Im just fed up of being conned and thats why with help on here i decided to take it further. Most people think that its a big hassle but it really isnt you dont have to do much at all... I will continue to report but bare in mind you have to have proof so only report if you have received a fake item otherwise its just hearsay.

With regard to ebay they can be a nightmare I report when I no that the item is fake or that the seller is know for fakes and they never do anything.

Take care


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bubbas454
Hi All

Just a quick update my local Trading standards are currently investigating this and will be sending all of the pigments off for tests ro see if they are fake but they are taking the aligation very seriously.

bubbas xx

Hi, I'm having a problem with the same seller involving pigments. swoosh_uk sold pigment to me and it's fake, and I'm trying to get a refund, but I really want to see them unable to trade. What has Trading Standards done about your complaint? As of now, swoosh_uk is still trading on eBay, when I would've thought Trading Standards would've put a stop to it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
Hi, I'm having a problem with the same seller involving pigments. swoosh_uk sold pigment to me and it's fake, and I'm trying to get a refund, but I really want to see them unable to trade. What has Trading Standards done about your complaint? As of now, swoosh_uk is still trading on eBay, when I would've thought Trading Standards would've put a stop to it.

I understand your frustration but until trading standards have completed their investigations they cant do very much... They are in the final stages so hopefully they will not be trading for much longer. I would advise you to raise a complaint with your local trading standards office aswell and advise that their is all ready a complaint in process and if they need to contact me i can pm you my email address.

If you paid by paypal raise a refund complaint stating the item was fake and you will get your money back.

If I can help any further let me know.