Is this wierd?


Well-known member
So, I was in a sorority back in college. I had a great, great time in it. I was the social chair and then ran for VP. Well, when I was running for VP, I started dating this guy. This relationship also portrayed me as a shitty friend (I was)..I would blow my friends off, etc. I learned my lesson hard here. I think I have made amends with these girls I cared about (3 of them).

Also because of this relationship, I quit my sorority. I was on good standing and stuff, and quit "due to fiances." Well, it's now like 4 years ago, and I have always kind of felt bad about quitting. I am obvoiusly no longer with that fool and have been working on making amends in lot sof other areas of my life.

I am awaiting a response from the sorority's national to see if I could reactivate under Alumni status rather than be a deactivated member.

It seems so wierd...I am not a sorority type or whatever, but I just feel like that was closed the wrong way.

Anyone else ever quit something and went back at it like this?


Well-known member
I can't really answer the question but sorority always seemed interesting to me. Since we don't really have these here, at least not in the french schools.

I guess you should do what your heart tells you


Well-known member
I would say go for it! I was in a similar situation- but went early alum because I missed my now husband when he graduated 2 years before me and all I did was go visit him and dropped all of my sorority friends and activities. Just recently I got in touch with a few sisters and its been great to get back in touch. What sorority were you in?