it's snowing and I get to wear my fun winter hat FOTD


Well-known member
This looks so cute, Victoria, love the hat! Sorta wish I'd bought one now, I was considering it but I wanted the real lamb fur one.

I like Rose pig. on you, even though I know it's harder to work with. I have Steel Blue pig. and it's the same consistency - sort of chunky. I love the colour though.


Well-known member
Beautiful makeup and the hat is kick ass! Love it!
Originally Posted by ch33tah
Yes, we've had steady flurries since 9 pm Tuesday night. Not the sticky thick snow though, just soft little flakes. Current temp is like -15c or something. burrrrr. It's only getting colder too. And my eyes are nautrally like that. Thanks.

well that's realllly cool about your eyes. and I was born in calgary! i wish there was snow here right now!


Well-known member
ive missed ur fotds too.. ur skin is flawless and love the color choice u made for the overall look... and the Winter hat is awsome


Well-known member
Girls from Calgary are so pretty 0_o Heather Marks better look out.

(Chicks in Winnipeg are just slutty, tee hee)

Loving the ivory skin and the pink shadow.