Jan/Feb hauls


Well-known member

This stuff has been accumulating over the past two months. It actually looks like more money than it was since I only paid retail for the N/Stylistics stuff (which DOES add up to a lot, sure). But the Avon stuff was like, $1/each, the drugstore stuff was cheap, and the rest is stuff from sales. *tries to justify to self* :p

Light Flush MSF x2, Warmed MSF, Laura Geller Blush N Brighten, Avon V-Day handcream and flavoured lipbalms, Avon lipsticks, MAC Blow l/s, MAC Fast Response Eye Cream, MAC 227 and various other brushes, all of the N e/s, Clue e/s, Classic Dame Mattene, 40s Pink Mattene, Night Violet Mattene, Maybelline Superstay l/g in Cherry, Sand and Pink, 1N l/g, 2N l/g, Real Desire l/g, Out for Fun l/g, 2N l/s, 3N l/s, 4N l/s, Rocker l/s, Soft Pout l/s, Hyper Chic l/g, Pave s/s, Warm Ice s/s.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrheine
nice haul -- i'm really tempted to get light flush, how do you like it?

It's absolutely amazing! I'm glad I got a back-up. It's beautiful, sans the chunky glitter like the other MSFs as well, which is awesome. It's great for a subtle pink glow. It's quite natural-looking in that sense, if applied correctly.
I'd definitely recommend it!