Just not that into you.....


Well-known member
OMG....I've tried a couple times to start this and never finished, but really.....have you ever been involved with someone who just didn't get that they're not wanted?

I'll try to give you the trunicated version of this and hopefully I can gather some insight, as well.

This guy lives next door with his brother and brother's GF. Halloween night, I got home and he strikes up a conversation with me. Not trying to be a beyotch, I play along. Strike 1. He tells me that he's 33 (I searched, he's 34) living with his little brother until he gets on his feet. So, then he asks me if I would call him if he gave me his number. Reluctantly, after a couple excuses, I take his phone number thinking, "I'll just call and let him down easy.....". Dumbest move I've made since using Too Faced First Base all over my lid. He asked me to call him at about 8.

I went inside, washed my hair and sat under the dryer. Not long after that, the doorbell rang. I didn't have my porch light on for Trick-or-Treaters, so......you guessed it. He had come over because it was after 8 and I hadn't called. Now, I'm standing in the doorway looking at him like
"I'm drying my hair.". Now, I'm thinking, "He's got to go and he will not like this call...", as I'm hellbent on telling him to "Fuck off".

I finally did call him and made mistake #2. I dialed directly instead of using my proxy phone #. Creepy as hell....this dude is telling me how he had been watching my house, admiring me, was so glad that I called him, made his day.....etc. Again, I'm like
, "Dude, you don't even know me and sound like you need help. That's kinda obsessive." So, he continues on, saying how he would like to get to know me better and take me out and how he could see himself "parking in that driveway".
"Oh, you must have great vision, but I am not looking for a roomate."
At that point, I said I had to go, see you later, goodnight.

Next (Sat.) morning at 8:30, I'm readying myself for work and this ass calls me, "Good Morning!!! How did you sleep?"
"Fine. I'm getting ready for work, though..."
"Oh, call me when you're leaving..."

On Sunday, I finally told him in what I thought was plain English, "I'm not interested in you. I don't want to go out with you. You don't have to keep calling me."

After I said that, he asked me if I would meet his kids since he had them for the weekend.

He's a real winner.

That was back in Oct./Nov. and he still calls me every week or so. I just send the calls to voicemail. WTF? Luckily, he has not knocked on my door again or I would be on the next installment of Snapped. I have never been in a situation like this. I don't feel like I'm in a threatening situation at all. I'm annoyed at his stupidity more than anything. My bestie thinks I should invite my ex over, but if he ever got wind about this guy, it would get ugly.

I thought women did things like this to men. WTH?
Yuck @ people who cling to people like that! Being in a situation like that would make me feel uneasy! BTW, I love Snapped! I sat down a few weeks ago and watched 5 hours worth that I had recorded on my DVR.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Dumbest move I've made since using Too Faced First Base all over my lid. He asked me to call him at about 8.

That made me LOL.

But yes this happened to me before kind of, except I actually went out with the guy first and wasn't feeling him romantically but he had my email so he looked me up on myspace. When he asked me out again I told him I would go but as friends and he said it was cool...yeah he was trying to kiss me and all this other nonsense I was was done trying to talk to him. Then he started messaging me on myspace asking me why I didn't call him and he missed me, I was like wth? That was like 2 years ago and he'll still email me once in a while

But for your situation that's different cause he's your neighbor. If you don't feel threatened that's a good sign, but I would tell him again in plainer English. Or just flat out ask him to stop calling you? Some guys just don't get it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ColorMeCrazy7
Yuck @ people who cling to people like that! Being in a situation like that would make me feel uneasy!

Yeah, because when you're an adult and not married, that shit is not cute.

Originally Posted by SuSana
But yes this happened to me before kind of, except I actually went out with the guy first and wasn't feeling him romantically but he had my email so he looked me up on myspace. When he asked me out again I told him I would go but as friends and he said it was cool...yeah he was trying to kiss me and all this other nonsense I was was done trying to talk to him. Then he started messaging me on myspace asking me why I didn't call him and he missed me, I was like wth? That was like 2 years ago and he'll still email me once in a while

Yeah, aside from just being creeped out by the "attention"---I'm just a regular person, hell I'm not Halle or Beyoncé---it just pisses me off that he can't take a hint. On top of that, WTH is up with people figuring that they can just program your number into their phone if you call them? Am I the only person who says something like, "Is it OK to call you back at this number?" or "Can I save this number?"? When I called him, he immediately said, "Oh, I can lock your number in my phone..."


Well-known member
I hate those type of men...like they hear you but they think if they just keep talking over you , your position will change. They are creepy, desperate and have little to no self esteem obviously.

Not that you are giving his ass a hint ...but a straight out...Move the F* Around response!! Ok get your bestfriend's guy or your best guy friend to come over and when he pops his head up...Have him say...Look DUDE, I hope for the sake of your next breath you not trying to come on to my lady....Scare the heck out of him and maybe he will blow away!

If that doesn't work poison him


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I hate those type of men...like they hear you but they think if they just keep talking over you , your position will change.

Nail on the head! He damn near said these exact words when I said I had no interest in him!


Well-known member
It seems like he is in psychological regression. He is 34, has kids but lives with his brother, and all that not by choice. So, to make this situation less humiliating, he has subconsciously convinced himself that he is indeed so interesting that people truely enjoy being around him. It helps him not seeing himself as a burden, he's actually making a favour to others.
And now, he wants to convince you too.

The only way to get rid of somebody like that, is to actually weaken him on a narcissistic level. Not too harsh though, because he could become violent.
The most effective way is to ignore him, because any glance or talking is interpreted as actual attention.
If he calls, just don't answer, and if he comes to talk to you in person, don't ever say something like "i'm not interested" because he thinks that he has the power to make you interested. Say something that he couldn't change at all, like "i have no time" or "i'm meeting someone" or "i have work to do". Anything that he can't affect. So that he will understand that he has no power over you!


Well-known member
You guys are awesome!

Shoegal, your post was also right-on. As a matter of fact, he called last night, about an hour after I posted this. I immediately sent the call to voicemail. Every time see the number on the caller ID, I think of the time I did answer, said I was watching TV (hint, hint) and he kept talking until I said, "Look I can't watch this with you talking in my ear."

Thanks so much for the much needed advice, ladies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
LOL. I really don't want to go to jail.....but damn, he tempts me.

Yeah..true...I would hate to see you on the next episode of Snapped


Well-known member
men can be very clingy.
along with what you said he doesn't seem to pose any threat, however, ppl like him think they've made a huge step just in the fact that you called him, ya know?
it sucks to come in contact with lame-o's like him but you might just have to let it die off (the whole calling thing) but in the process just be a bitch. lol!
i had a boyfriend once that i tried to break up with for a whole month and i was very straight-forward (i.e. "i don't think we should be together" "i don't want to be with you")..... and he would still call like nothing happened and 28 days later had the nerve to say "if you don't want to be with me then just say so" wtf man!!! i been saying it for the past 4 weeks!!!!! some ppl just don't get it.........
it's annoying as fuck but hey, what else can you do? you've been straight up with him.
also keep in mind, some think that if they just "hang in there" they can "break down" your wall because your disinterest translates to them as you just have your "guard" up........
how lame!!!!
AND he lives next door??!! gross.....
i hope he leaves you alone asap.
desperation is a bitch......


Well-known member
Yeah I know what u mean. One night when I was hanging with some shady ppl I met this guy. Honestly we were all getting trashed and I might have thrown out some signals I was interested. Lord knows I wasnt. Anyway he is a person I cant associate with cause of his *ahem* "business dealings".

But I digress, hes 35 and really gross. I was also going through something with the last prick I dated and talked to him for a few days and decided not to talk to him anymore. I just told him I was going through some things and I didnt want to talk to anyone. He pulled the "we can be friends" thing and I said no. THREE MONTHS later he still texts me. I have never responded to any texts assuming he would think my phone was off. Didnt work but I just dont wanna be confrontational.
Deep inside I wanna tell him how much of a junkie loser he is and why would I wanna talk to him. I am now offended that he hasn't got the point. When I move away if he still does I will. I was kinda scared and still am so I'll just wait on that.


Well-known member
Stories like these always creeps me out!

5 years ago, I was taking a class and it was a the last metro station, the terminus. I just got in the wagon, sat, and started to read (the wagon wasnt leaving until 5 more minutes) when this cute black man enters (he was sexy). I looked at him but that's it, like I would look at anybody else who enters the wagon.

Anyway, he gets up and come sit next to me. We started to chat a little. He wanted me soooo bad to call him the same night, I figured I could call him by doing *67 (hides your number). So, we talked on the phone during the week, he was cool but he was insistant about visiting me and such... and kept on b*tching about black womans not wanting him, how crazy they were and also how difficult they are to sleep with... and BAM he says to me that he has 3 kids with 3 different womans, all white (his words!).

Come on, what's that?
What message was he trying to say???
Never asked.

At that time, I only had 2 phones, one wire less and one with no ''touch tone'' function. I guess when I called with my no ''touch tone'' phone (couldnt do *67) he got my number. Then it started to get very freaky. He was calling me everynight during a week, each hours!!! He wanted to know what I was doing and such. Everytime I told him not to call again because I was busy and I would call him back during the weekend, saying no to all his invitations... But he kept on calling and getting freakier each time!!!

I called the police asking what I could do, they told me to dial a special function everytime he would call and this way they would receive the trace of his calls The next time he called I told him I didnt want him to call anymore because I wasnt interessed and that I called the police about it. He stopped calling...

I guess he found another girl

How naïve was I!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ If her advice doesn't work ...you can still try the poison

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Yeah..true...I would hate to see you on the next episode of Snapped

LOL yes! There's also the billboard option! Take one in front of his (brother's) house which would display something like "you know, dog poop on a sidewalk will always be more involved in my life than you'll ever be, because THAT could eventually touch me one day, UNDERSTAND????"

Michie : 1 / Ass****: K.O. !!!


Well-known member
Nahhh then he will think.....OH she rented me a billboard she must really be feeling me and playing hard to get!! NOT Creepo the Great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Nahhh then he will think.....OH she rented me a billboard she must really be feeling me and playing hard to get!! NOT Creepo the Great!

Oh God, yeah! I forgot we were talking about a psycho!


Well-known member
This kind of freaky behaviour scares me..there are too many loose loony bins out there these days..
Good luck with getting rid of him, my friend's going through something a lil similar with some guy she knows...He's like obsessed with her and kept calling her at obscene hours and sending weird messages telling her how he couldn't sleep because of her o_O, of course she didn't answer and now he's mad at her because she's "ignoring" him and hurt his feelings...she had already told him long ago that she didn't like him..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
men can be very clingy.
along with what you said he doesn't seem to pose any threat, however, ppl like him think they've made a huge step just in the fact that you called him, ya know?it sucks to come in contact with lame-o's like him but you might just have to let it die off (the whole calling thing) but in the process just be a bitch. lol!
i had a boyfriend once that i tried to break up with for a whole month and i was very straight-forward (i.e. "i don't think we should be together" "i don't want to be with you")..... and he would still call like nothing happened and 28 days later had the nerve to say "if you don't want to be with me then just say so" wtf man!!! i been saying it for the past 4 weeks!!!!! some ppl just don't get it.........
it's annoying as fuck but hey, what else can you do? you've been straight up with him.
also keep in mind, some think that if they just "hang in there" they can "break down" your wall because your disinterest translates to them as you just have your "guard" up........
how lame!!!!
AND he lives next door??!! gross.....
i hope he leaves you alone asap.
desperation is a bitch......

GOD, tell me about it! Just to hear him talk that night, you would swear that he was 12 and his favorite football player had just called him. I kick myself everytime I think that the one dumbass move I made was not calling him from my Grandcentral number. Even worse is when people I tell the story to say, "Why did you call him!??!?". And, I know it's not something they'll understand but, "Because I just knew he was the type that would knock on my door if I didn't call." Stupidity got the best of me. But I would rather ignore the call or let the phone ring than have his dumb ass knocking on my door everyday. But now I'm making sure "the coast is clear" leaving my own house because I don't want to have to say, "Good afternoon..." or anything. I just want to totally avoid him. Which brings me to this question: How do I handle the situation if I walk 10 steps to my car and he's outside. I'm thinking now that the more I speak, wave, nod, ect....he thinks everything is all good and will call me. So, do I just ignore him or speak?

His BROKE ASS needs to hurry up and get out of those people's house and stop making my life muserable!


Well-known member
I would totally ignore him period...I would just say In a Hurry everytime he trys to say something....But? In a Hurry! Make no eye contact or just let out that annoying sigh that we do when someone is getting on our nerves followed with In a hurry