Kelly Green or Emerald Green Pigment?


Well-known member
I am a NW20, and want to order a green pigment. I am not sure if I should get Kelly Green or Emerald Green Pigment. Any comments suggestions would be fab!


Well-known member
I'm also an NW20, and would buy them both. Use Kelly Green all over the lid, and put Emerald Green in the crease. However, if you will only buy one then decide if you want a lighter (Kelly Green) or darker (Emerald Green), or which one will give you the most use.


Well-known member
I don't have KG but I do have EG and I love it. It has these tiny lil sparkles in them that stand out. And applied wet, it just looks awesome.


Well-known member
They are both totally different imo. I love Emerald as a liner and crease colour. I actually don't find I use Kelly green very much in all honesty.

It totally depends what you're after. I'd buy samples on here and then decide which you have more use for.


Well-known member
I think Emerald Green is much more versatile because I think it's the kind of green that goes well more with other colours like golds, neutrals, browns, etc. Although if you have Humid e/s, it's pretty close to it as well. Kelly Green on the other hand, is much brighter, much more suitable for daytime looks and it's a much more fun colour. I don't think there's a perm e/s that's close to it.


Well-known member
I'd also suggest just getting a sample of both and then see which one you like more.


Well-known member
They're both beautiful beautiful colours and very diffferent.

Get them both!! But Kelly green would look great noe it's coming up to summer. I'd suggest if you can buy your pigments at a MAC store to buy the one you like the most and get a sample of the other, that way you have both if money is an issue.


Well-known member
I love Emerald Green! It's very pretty. I have never tried Kelly Green though. I definitely suggest getting samples to check it out though.


Well-known member
I'm Nw15/nw20 and I have never tried kelly green but I LOVE emerald green! It works great when you mix it with a bit of fix + too!