Kim Kardashian Clothing Line!


I think Kim should come out with a clothing line, she has such great style. She always looks put together effortlessly. If she came out with a clothing line I would definitely wear her clothes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by :)KrIsTy:)
She has a clothing line out its called DASH

That's not her line, it's her and sister's boutique which carries various high end lines. I agree she should do something like that aswell, maybe low profile.


Well-known member
Gah you guys tricked me!!! I thought this was a post about an upcoming line.

But i agree. I would LOVE if she came out with a clothing line. Granted it was affordable and not ridiculous like Lauren Conrad. I love everything about her and her sisters style. Like the dresses they wear....jeals i love all of them.


Well-known member
Dash is overpriced and honestly not very impressive. If KimK came out with her own line and it were pretty affordable, I'd be all over that!


Well-known member
Yes she should! I have always loved her style. This is the only reason I read her blog. lol Oh and of course the makeup but that has started to bore me.