latest haul's. i'm trying to become active! ;)


Well-known member
I figure I should probably start becoming more active here, and since I have no new FOTD's or anything to post, I'll just post some of the things I have bought recently.

PS- I really do like this site, it's great!


the Novel Twist PRO Brush set. I have wanted a 187 FOREVER, and I figured it was just best to buy the set. Because I can't justify spending $36(or whatever it is) on one brush right now. But I am very satisfied with this set. The brushes are soooo soft, and I noticed an immediate difference when applying my blush/MSF's w/ the 187, it was crazy. But yes great investment!! Not to mention the bag is cute.


i went to the MAC store about 3 weeks ago, and picked up these goodies. my experience was less than satisfying((i dealt with a crabby MA)), but it's okay. i got digit eyeshadow, beautiful iris eyeshadow, delish lipstick, the 217 brush & my first 15 pan palette((which is now full & looks pretty)). i had mastered the method of depotting recently, so i was excited to finally get a palette.

anyway i enjoy looking at everyone elses recent purchases.​

have a good day everyone!


Well-known member
Pout has a brush called airbrush that looks like and does the job like the 187 for $28. The hairs are a bit rough, but I love it.