Learn from my mistake


Well-known member
I participated in my first-ever, online Secret Santa. I was very excited to participate and looked forward to sharing in the "SS" fun. The person that was pulled for me received their gift and sent me a Thank you PM.

I wasn't so fortunate. Honestly I would have appreciated a PM letting me know they weren't able to participate/lack of funds, etc. I enjoy giving gifts and in the future will just do my own SS or RAOK. I say this to say, be as careful as you can when choosing to participate in online gift giving.

I look forward to participating in specktra's SS for 2008.
Edited: to not add any confusion. I posted this thread so others would learn from my mistake.


Well-known member
That is disappointing to hear, unfortunately. Ugh I have reservations about people taking advantage like that (just like swaps) but *knock on wood* have not been burned yet. Its just too bad. Was it the one started here? Did you contact the person who set it up? Like wasn't there some program where ppl registered, is it possible to find out who had you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
That is disappointing to hear, unfortunately. Ugh I have reservations about people taking advantage like that (just like swaps) but *knock on wood* have not been burned yet. Its just too bad. Was it the one started here? Did you contact the person who set it up? Like wasn't there some program where ppl registered, is it possible to find out who had you?

Yes to all of your questions. I have never received a response to my PMs.


Well-known member
That really sucks! There's nothing worse than not getting a response! I've never done a swap because of this type of thing. I know the majority of people do the right thing, but there is always someone who won't. I know from other posts I have seen about you, you are such a caring/giving person, and I'm really sorry this happened to you.


Well-known member
Same thing happened to me. I participated in SS on another forum, sent my gift out, but never got anything in return. No explanation or anything. Seriously, even a 'Happy Holidays' PM would've been appreciated.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by peacelover18
Same thing happened to me. I participated in SS on another forum, sent my gift out, but never got anything in return. No explanation or anything. Seriously, even a 'Happy Holidays' PM would've been appreciated.

I couldn't agree with you more.


Well-known member
It may not have been their intention, but it was weird that the person who set it up was a newer member (which doesn't in itself mean anything I know) but then for that person to not be online for a while.....just makes me nervous.

I'm sorry MsCuppyCakes. Know what comes around goes around, and that you honoured your commitment and karma will bite them in the ass later.


Well-known member
aww... thats terrible. it really hurts when you put faith into people and they let you down.

i never knew there was such a thing as online secret santa. it sounds really fun because i get like nothing on christmas. lol even from strangers, a gift is still a nice gesture. even a card would be nice

i hope it works out for you next time.


Well-known member
Its so frustrating and disappointing when this happens. I was in a secret swap on another forum and whoever was supposed to send me something just went MIA shortly after the sign ups. The moderators of the swap had backup people in the wings for anyone who got the short shrift so I had a nice swap gift after all. Maybe that's the solution here too?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Briar
The moderators of the swap had backup people in the wings for anyone who got the short shrift so I had a nice swap gift after all. Maybe that's the solution here too?

Originally Posted by MsCuppyCakes
I look forward to participating specktra's SS for 2008.

Guys, please remember that this was not a specktra endorsed or monitored secret santa, so none of the specktra staff would have gotten involved with it. IIRC the member who organized it was new to specktra too.. i'm sorry you had a bad experience though..


Well-known member
I've never taken part in such a thing, and probably never will but how do you know the organizing member is not just giving her own name to everyone who participates?


Well-known member
Yes Michie--true enough. That reminded me of one of the latest House episodes where he did just that. Funny in the show...not so much in life.


Well-known member
I was so ready to participate in this too and when it came time to confirm if I was going to do it, I declined because I just didn't feel right. I liked the idea, but secret Santa's are kind of personal too, right? You get your person something THEY would enjoy.
In regards to your experience, mscuppycakes, my mom always taught me to say 'please' and 'thank you' and made sure we wrote all our thank you cards. Seriously, it's just polite. What's wrong with people?


Well-known member
You seem like such a sweet person. That sucks that someone did that to you.

People are just wrong these days. I am so grateful for anything....no matter what. I just appreciate it all. I agree with gigglegirl--the member was new. I didn't trust that. It wasn't organized enough. I thought about doing it to get in the Christmas spirit. Now I'm glad that I didn't...if it was more of like a Specktra swap, organized by the staff here....then i would've definetly done it. But it just didn't seem right.

I'm sorry.


Well-known member
I think it'd be probably too much of a headache and an administrative nightmare for any Specktra sponsered SS. Plus I think there'd still be the risk of someone just not sending something, I think it's just an inherent risk with SS.

Though not everyone wins, the giveaways were super fun, I hope something similar could happen again this year!


Well-known member
I know I may sound ''I told you so'' but its not my intention, believe.

But the thing is, I tought (sp??) it was strange from a new member to come out and start a secret santa... and what about the lact of organisation... o_0

If it was from established members, I would have participated, but I always keep in mind that mean people can be everywhere.

But it sucks that it happened to you, and other people...
Here's to you mean people :


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear this has happened to you too.
The same thing happened to me a few years back, the ironic part was the person who had me was a moderator on the forum website. I was really disappointed because it was on a Canadian website and found the idea of getting a present from oversea to be exciting.
Oh well I learned my lesson.