Lily White Pigment


Well-known member
I know i'm probably in the minority here, but I'm not the biggest pigment fan - although I love the Lily White pigment. I was hoping someone could make a recommendation on a MAC shadow to use instead of the pigment.

I do have the SweetieCakes quad, but I do not think that Almond Icing will do the trick.

Thanks in advance!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by JMKess
I know i'm probably in the minority here, but I'm not the biggest pigment fan - although I love the Lily White pigment. I was hoping someone could make a recommendation on a MAC shadow to use instead of the pigment.

I do have the SweetieCakes quad, but I do not think that Almond Icing will do the trick.

Thanks in advance!


so are you looking for a shadow that gives the same effect as lily white? if so honestly i do not think there is a shadow out there that gives that much..POW! haha,i love this pigment,give it another chance,it looks great in the inner v area up to the middle of the lid,with just about any other color