Lip and Eyeshadow Recs?


Well-known member
I've got a bit of a need for a couple of recommendation at the moment! :)

First, I've found that I really love the finish/colour of MAC's Tinted Lip Conditioner in Fuschia Fix. Since school's starting again soon, it's the sort of sheer bright but low maintenance colour that I'd love to be able to wear on a daily basis - however, it needs touchups after eating and I am not a fan of applying from pots when I'm not at home and near a sink so I can wash my hands, lol! Are there any tube based lipsticks or balms that match the colour and finish? I've tried Fresh Sugar Rose balm but it's a bit too thick - I'd prefer something thinner, along the lines of a lustre lipstick from MAC? I'm open to any brand, any price range.

And for the second thing: I've found that I really like the combination of UD Virgin, Naked, and Creep for a simple, smokey liner. However, I don't like traveling with the Naked Palette (strange, I know... I just find it gets dirty and is a bit too big!) so was planning on getting a MAC quad to travel with/carry in my bag. I was going to get pans of MAC Brule, Naked Lunch, and Carbon - but I'm not sure what shade to use for UD Naked. Any recs - I was thinking MAC Omega but I'm not sure... it does need to be a matte shade, though.

Thanks in advance! :)