Lipstick/lipglass Recs For Nc44


Well-known member
Hello ladies, just wanted a few recs for some LIPSTICKS&Liners & LIPGLASS. I am a NC44.

these are the ones i'm gonna get either online or at the store, whichever has them:

Embreable l/s
Flowerplay l/s
Out to shock l/s
blankety l/s
VV6 l/s
Bombshell l/s

slicked pink l/g
sweetness l/g

subculture l/p
pink treat c/l

any other recs? thanks =)


Well-known member
Try Bombshell before you buy it; it can turn a bit grey if your lips have a strong brown or tan tone to them.

Lychee Luxe is a fabulous lush lipglass, give it a try at the store.