Lipstick/Lipgloss Recs


I'm kind of new here (I've been lurking but haven't had a chance to post.) I'm looking for some good lipstick/lipgloss recommendations. I already have body suit, damzel, luxuriate, of corset, and viva glam V l/s. My lips really are as unpigmented as they are in the picture. Thanks everybody!


By the way, can anybody tell me how to make the pictures smaller?


Well-known member
I would go for Viva Glam V Lipglass and Prr Lipglass! And maybe C-Thru if you like nude lips!


Well-known member
Is there a specific kind of look you're going for?

PS- your skin and eyes are gorgeous.


probably something neutral that will make my lips look "natural". I look best in pinky/neutral shades, but I can wear warm colors if I plan my face right.


Well-known member
I really think you'd love Prrr lipglass and Viva Glam V lipglass just as everyone else said...I really think these colors would compliment your skin tone and give you the look you're wanting. BTW, you have flawless skin and you're sooooo pretty!!


Sounds strange, but I really envy you! My lips are so pigmented that they're nearly purple and I can only use the most pigmented glosses and lipsticks =(

Sheer suggestions: Lancome Juicy Tubes (especially Peche and Fraise since you're fair skinned), Lancome Juicy Rouge.
Pigmented: MAC Pigments and lipglass (sunset <3), DiorKiss (Voilet Candy is good if you like purple) and the Dior Addict lipglosses and lipstick =)


New member
I 2nd Lancome Juicy Tubes....almost any color really

For MAC Lilacrush,Moistly,Lu-Be-Lu and slicked pink lipgelee
Wonderstuck, and Pinkarat lustreglass


Well-known member
Wow, I love your hair! If you like a shiny, light pink look, I would try Hue lipstick and Florabundance lipglass. Also Jubilee lipstick makes a great light brown/beige. For a warmer, opalescent pink try Pervette lipstick. HTH!!


Well-known member
Weird, I can't actually see any picture!

Could try Hug Me l/s? It seems to suit a kazillion people. Yes, I'm aware it's not a real word


Well-known member
Prrr, Pinkarat lustreglass, Nymphette lipglass, Morning Glory lustreglass, Enchantress lipglass and Moonstone lipglass would all be really pretty on you


Well-known member
If you can find one, try Rayothon lipglass. It's a nice frosty pinky-peach that would look great esp with your blue eyes!

Pale Moon

Well-known member
you may wanna try lipgelees: lu-be-lu and dewy jube..

love your skin! *green eyes becuase of jealousyyy*


Well-known member
i think lovechild lipglass, spring bean lustreglass, little vi lustreglass would look lovely on you