LiquidLast Liners as a base?!?


I'm wondering is anyone has used them as a base? I know xsparkage has (auto-orange and rose), and it looked HOTT! I'm wondering if anyone else had. I know it would be hell to take off, but it's really humid here, so I'm kinda curious.


Well-known member
I've used Classic cream and Visionaire as bases. The key is to use a small amount, but it looks really cool.


Well-known member
I have used them as bases. They are amazing. But they do get sticky once you put it on. Once your eyeshadow is on top its a beautiful thang. I really want to try Molton Sol!!!


Well-known member
They are great as bases or just as an eyehadow. They do not move at all and give a great color.


Well-known member
I thought they would make a good base too but the MA that I asked about said that she wouldn't advise it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I thought they would make a good base too but the MA that I asked about said that she wouldn't advise it.

that's weird, an MA showed me this trick.