Livechat about pigments on website and sweetie cake piggies problems


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One of our Artists will be with you shortly. At the end of this chat session, you may request to have a transcript of your chat sent to you via email by completing our Exit Survey.
Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Amy. How may I assist you?
hanna: Good evening Amy! I had a question on pigments.
Amy: Hello Hanna!
hanna: First of all, the new sweetie cake collection is absolutely amazing and I bought everything in doubles yesterday!
hanna: This has to be my favorite collectin since I bought my first MAC last year.
Amy: Wow! Great feedback, Hanna!
Amy: I agree, it's such a pretty collection
hanna: Second, when I bought the new pigments yesterday, I noticed that none of the 6 I bought had the precaution list in the box unlike others and all of them had pigments spilling out just a tad bit.
hanna: I asked a few friends who bought it as well and they all said the same thing.
hanna: Does ANY of the pigments have the list in the box or is it just the store I bought it from? I made the purchase at Nordstroms in Chandler, AZ.
Amy: I don't think they have the precaution list, Hanna. I noticed this too when I got my Sweetie Cake Pigments. They are all eye safe so I'm thinking that is why they didn't include them
hanna: Are they lip safe as well?
Amy: Good question. Let me check on that. I think some of the Sweetie Cake Pigments aren't Lip safe. One moment please, Hanna while I check.......
hanna: No problem
Amy: They are all lip and eye safe!
hanna: Oh wow perfect!
hanna: Is there any reasons why all the pigments this time is almost spilling out? I noticed the top doesn't screw on quite pefectly and according to a popular online forum, it seems everyone elses pigments are the same.
Amy: That's also a good question. That I'm not sure of Hanna. I would have to have you contact our Consumer Corporate Department. I can get you their email address or direct phone number if you would like?
hanna: Oh that won't be necessary. I was just curious
hanna: And last pigment question. On the website, I noticed quite a few of the pigments have been sold out for a while.
hanna: Are they being discontinued?
Amy: I haven't heard of any of our Pigments being discontinued. All the shades online sell really well and are popular. They should be back soon
hanna: Great! Thank you so much for all your help
Amy: Thank you so much, Hanna!
Amy: Please let us know if you need anything else.
Amy: Have a really nice weekend

hanna: You too!


Well-known member
I love amy shes the best that I have ever had!Ask her anything!She'll go and find out for you.Also including upcomming collections!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jmvuitton
One of our Artists will be with you shortly. At the end of this chat session, you may request to have a transcript of your chat sent to you via email by completing our Exit Survey.
Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Amy. How may I assist you?
hanna: Good evening Amy! I had a question on pigments.
Amy: Hello Hanna!
hanna: First of all, the new sweetie cake collection is absolutely amazing and I bought everything in doubles yesterday!
hanna: This has to be my favorite collectin since I bought my first MAC last year.
Amy: Wow! Great feedback, Hanna!
Amy: I agree, it's such a pretty collection
hanna: Second, when I bought the new pigments yesterday, I noticed that none of the 6 I bought had the precaution list in the box unlike others and all of them had pigments spilling out just a tad bit.
hanna: I asked a few friends who bought it as well and they all said the same thing.
hanna: Does ANY of the pigments have the list in the box or is it just the store I bought it from? I made the purchase at Nordstroms in Chandler, AZ.
Amy: I don't think they have the precaution list, Hanna. I noticed this too when I got my Sweetie Cake Pigments. They are all eye safe so I'm thinking that is why they didn't include them
hanna: Are they lip safe as well?
Amy: Good question. Let me check on that. I think some of the Sweetie Cake Pigments aren't Lip safe. One moment please, Hanna while I check.......
hanna: No problem
Amy: They are all lip and eye safe!
hanna: Oh wow perfect!
hanna: Is there any reasons why all the pigments this time is almost spilling out? I noticed the top doesn't screw on quite pefectly and according to a popular online forum, it seems everyone elses pigments are the same.
Amy: That's also a good question. That I'm not sure of Hanna. I would have to have you contact our Consumer Corporate Department. I can get you their email address or direct phone number if you would like?
hanna: Oh that won't be necessary. I was just curious
hanna: And last pigment question. On the website, I noticed quite a few of the pigments have been sold out for a while.
hanna: Are they being discontinued?
Amy: I haven't heard of any of our Pigments being discontinued. All the shades online sell really well and are popular. They should be back soon
hanna: Great! Thank you so much for all your help
Amy: Thank you so much, Hanna!
Amy: Please let us know if you need anything else.
Amy: Have a really nice weekend

hanna: You too!

Hey, I go to Nordstroms in Chandler too!
I live like 15 minutes away from there, lol!