Long wear foundation recommendations


New User
Hey everyone!
Im really struggling finding a foundation that stays put on my forehead and chin, I've tried Estée Lauder double wear and Mac long wear but it keeps going patchy on my forehead and chin!
I use a primer before hand and translucent powder to set after but nothing seems to help!
If anyone could recommend or give me tips that would be amazing! ������


Staff member
What primer are you using? What powder are you using? How are you applying the foundation? What's your skincare routine?

(Also: I moved this to Recommendations.)


New User
Elizabeth Arden primer and lily lolo powder.
i wash my face with dermolgica face wash then cleanse it with some stuff from Avon then pat dry before putting the primer on I apply foundation using real techniques face expert brush


Staff member
Double Wear and Pro Longwear are both full coverage foundations. You could be applying too much of it. What you can try is applying a thin layer with your fingers, let it set for a minute, then buff it in. Do that one section at a time. You could also be using too much setting powder, and that can lead to your foundation looking patchy. Try using a fluffy brush; you'll apply less product that way. (I'm not a fan of powder puffs, personally.) You could also try omitting setting powder, since both foundations dry down to a matte(ish?) finish.

But before applying primer or foundation, you should be moisturizing, no matter what your skintype. (Yes, even oily skins need to be moisturized.)