Looking For A Color...


Well-known member
Okay guys...This is my first post and I wanted to say hi first of all. And secondly...I'm looking for a color...

I'm looking for an eyeshadow that looks like MAC's shadestick, Pink Couture. Like a pinkish tanish color. Ya know what I mean? I've been looking and looking on the website and I just cant find a color to match what I'm looking for. If you guys have any suggestions I would love it! Thanks guys!!



Well-known member
i think the closest would be Pink Freeze

Edit: I just tried to take a pic of a comparisonswatch for you, but my camera batteries are dead and the BF is sleeping.....

I have them both swatched in the swatch thread, just not side by side.. the are alot more similar in real life than in the pic... The shade stick is just a bit deeper of a pink in my opinion..



Well-known member
I'm not sure, because I don't own it, but Jest looks like it might be pretty close?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cinci
i think the closest would be Pink Freeze

Edit: I just tried to take a pic of a comparisonswatch for you, but my camera batteries are dead and the BF is sleeping.....

I have them both swatched in the swatch thread, just not side by side.. the are alot more similar in real life than in the pic... The shade stick is just a bit deeper of a pink in my opinion..


I saw the swatches! They look almost the same! Thanks so much!