Looking for advice...MAC @ Nordstrom


Well-known member
Hi everyone!
I need some advice from all you super smart people out here! I am currently a freelancer for MAC. I really enjoy it, but it would be sweet to be permanent and get to go to basic, along with the other perks. I am currently in the middle of the interview process with the MAC counter at the Nordstroms near where I live. The position is a 15 hr a week part time MA.
My issue comes in here: While I would love to work for the company, I have a full time job that I really like, and which pertains to the degree I got from college. I work 11pm-7am (graveyard shift) Mon-Fri, so days are pretty sacred to me for sleeping! The counter manager is aware of both the fact that I have a full time job, and that it is at nights, and she understands that I'm not going to quit it for her part time offer. However, she is scheduling all my interviews in the middle of the day! I have had one at 1pm, and two today, one at 12 noon and one on the phone at 3. I am afraid this doesnt bode well for my future sleep if I do work for her. Previous bosses (the non-Nordstrom MAC manager) have been really understanding and willing to work WITH me.
I also am not sold (lol sorry for the pun) on working for Nordstrom. MAC is what I'm interested in, not being a Nordstrom employee.
Given that I'm already worried about working for her and my scheduling what do you all think I should do? I would love the opportunity, but I'm worried about it.


Well-known member
I am a MAC freelancer too, and I had considered taking a permanent position with Nordstroms and my Manager strongly advised against it. She said that you will not really be a MAC employee, you'll be a Nord employee. When I freelanced there i noticed that any other cosemtics employee on the floor could take your sale. It was weird. Nordstroms is a cut throat environment. My manager said that it is a hellish fight to ever leave nord for a diff mac location. I don't know, it doesn't sound very fun to me.

I love Macys!



Well-known member
Thank you! I've only freelanced at the Macy's here and I really loved it. This whole time I've kinda been thinking to myself "if only this weren't Nordstrom!"
I think you just helped me make up my mind. I'm going to try and keep a good relationship with everyone there, but I think I'm going to hold out for a job at the MAC counter in Macy's.
Thank you again!