Looks from the collections?


Well-known member
Hello! I'm wondering if you'll still be posting up looks from collections. I just went to check out the Ornamentalism looks and couldn't find them! Perhaps I missed sthg or they're in the swatch gallery now (still couldn't find them)? No biggie, as new forums have been started recently and with all the collections coming out it's hard just to keep track of the future, never mind the present! It'd be nice to have them kept here to refer to, though.

Thanks for your dedication to this site!


New member
Check in the Members Gallery under the member name MACLOOKS.

Every look is there...this is just temp until admin have time to finish the looks section.

It's not in any certain order but I am sure you will find them there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
Did you check out our Gallery?

Originally Posted by 'Nessa
Check in the Members Gallery under the member name MACLOOKS.
Every look is there...this is just temp until admin have time to finish the looks section.

Originally Posted by Miss_Behave
you can also check here: http://legacycollection.org/mac/v/media/Facecharts/

Wonderful! I did check out the gallery, but by "search" because clicking around took too long. I checked out legacy collection too, but didn't find the facecharts.

Thanks so much!


New member
BlahWah....you will have to look through the MACLOOKS memeber gallery. I know they are there but they are not put up by collection name.

Yes, there is tons to look through but the Oat. looks are in the pile. You will have to do the search throught the entire MACLOOKS gallery if you want the look.
Here is the direct link to the MACLOOKS.


Well-known member
Whoops, I think you misunderstood me? I meant I had searched the gallery before I posted, in response to VV asking if I had tried the gallery. I've found them now with the help of your replies, both in the gallery and legacy collection site.

Thanks again!


New member
Yay! Glad you found it