Love, love,love - Sweetie Cake


Well-known member
Well, I wasn't sure about the quad until I swatched it on my wrist. I got it, I came home and washed my face and put on a new sweetie cake face. Love, love, love and did I mention love?!?! The quad is lovely. The pink is a soft with the perfect shimmer, the purple is lovely and the Almond Icing is everything I wish seedy pearl was and more! The piggies are hot! I love the Pinked Mauve to pieces and the pencils are awesome. The glitter seems to be holding well and the only reason that any of it is anywhere was I developed a massive eye boogie while doing my eyelines (darned pollen) I love it! Roar! I did get pics, but the batteries went tango uniform so I'll have to see if I have any more to get some pics up of my cute little sweetie cake face...


Well-known member
I agree that it is actually quite nice on. The MAs today at my counter were all "Sweetie Caked" up and they looked lovely. I noticed that by blending the quad shadows they had created a lovely look of blue-ish pink purple that wasn't too bold or overpowering.

Too bad I look like a tard in these colours! Saved me some moolah though! I was planning on getting the Lily White but alas, it had not arrived yet. The other two piggies are a lot darker than I expected - the apricot pink is more pink than apricot, where I was hoping it would be the other way around.

I am glad you liked it! There were many, many mothers in there buying for their daughters - looks like the colours were a hit.

Have fun and be sure to post those pics once your cam comes back from vacay!



Well-known member
I agree as well. I wasn't all that excited about this collection. I went to my counter for a cp and the pigments and while their I tried the quad. The pictures that have been posted do not do it justice! The pink is great...shimmery and light...perfect for spring. And the purple is great too...I am not much of a blue person but even the blue in the quad is nice but the almond It is can actually see the other shades in this in certain lights...beautiful!
I had to do a look in this one and the colors blended very nice, unfortunately my camera is dead so I will get batteries tomorrow and try another look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by michy_mimi
I agree as well. I wasn't all that excited about this collection. I went to my counter for a cp and the pigments and while their I tried the quad. The pictures that have been posted do not do it justice! The pink is great...shimmery and light...perfect for spring. And the purple is great too...I am not much of a blue person but even the blue in the quad is nice but the almond It is can actually see the other shades in this in certain lights...beautiful!
I had to do a look in this one and the colors blended very nice, unfortunately my camera is dead so I will get batteries tomorrow and try another look.

Did the blue look like the reflects in it were pink to you? I could be on too much caffine. I haven't tried it yet, but I did use the others and I agree they blend very well.


Well-known member
I just went and checked it to be sure and yes! the blue sugar definately has reflects of pink in it! That may look really good witht he pink!


Well-known member
I saw the quad last Saturday and was sure I didn't want it but now you all are saying such great things about it, now I have to go and take another look at it!


Well-known member
I love the eye pencils. I want to go back next week when I get paid and get Nightsky. Hopefully it will not be sold out by them.


Well-known member
i think i might be the only one not impressed AT ALL with this collection. i went tonight because my amazingly wonderful MA put everything on hold for me, and i only wound up with the quad and two eyepencils... i was so disappointed
maybe because i'm not really into pinks, but the pigments were disappointing. oh well, more money for sundressing!! 8)


Well-known member
Shamelessmuse - I'm loving what you say about Almond Icing & Seedy Pearl - SP totally hates my guts! Can't wait for mine to arrive...


Well-known member
You know? I really did not think I'd like Sweetie Cake. I thought the quad would look too juvenile, and that I wouldn't be able to pull off the colors.

I was wroooong! The nicest MA in history used the quad on me and showed me two different looks, and I fell in love with it immediately. I had to get it, and I am so happy I did!

Really, I thought there was nothing special about this collection, but once I saw it, and tried it on, I thought it was fantastic. I didn't get any lip stuff, because I don't like lipglass, but I got eye stuff! So great! I felt so pretty with it on.


Well-known member
I went to my fave counter only to find out that they were missing stuff, it hadnt arrived yet, including Lily White, all the softsparkle pencils, and one of the petit glosses. So i betrayed them =/, and went next door to the freestanding store, i only got nightsky, peacocked and petit four l/g. I forgot that i had like 3 lippes to return, but they were for macys, so i went back next door only to find out that they JUST got everything in, so i exchanged for 2 pigments (pinked mauve & apricot pink).

I told them i would be back after my paycheck goes through *lol*

Oh, and i dont think im gonna get the petit glosses, they are so cute, but were definitely not the colors i thought they would be, and they are super messy.

Oh, and the nail polishes are super sheer!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
Shamelessmuse - I'm loving what you say about Almond Icing & Seedy Pearl - SP totally hates my guts! Can't wait for mine to arrive...

It so sad because Seedy Pearl is so pretty in the pan. I use it, but I have to really pack it on and still it is so sheer. The Almond Icing is more irradecent and very pretty. I wore nothing but sweetie cake today and got a ton of compliments on my makeup.
Also, I'm almost 30 and haven't had a problem at all pulling off the colors. They are very pretty, tonight I am going to wear the sugar blue and apricot pink in some combo


Well-known member
I looooove the Sweetie Cake! I didnt think I'd like the quad but I do. Unfortunately, I am allergic to the purple color.
sigh! I did get the green, blue and purple glitter liners and all 3 pigments.


Well-known member
I went yesterday to get my haul but when a I got to my counter I was sooooo dissapointed. The only things I ended up getting were the pigs. and the night sky liner which I may return.


Well-known member
Bumping this thread up, can anyone remember what is the price of the petit gloss? Is it the same as the lipglass? US$14? TIA!


Well-known member
I still love the sweetie cake soft sparkle pencils. I always get tons of compliments when I wear them. The key is to wear them over fluidliners. They don't budge! Glad I got all of them.


Well-known member
i loved it at first now i hardly touch it, maybe i need to go pull my sweetie cake items out, i bought so much from that collection.


Well-known member
This collection is currently available in AU/NZ and possibly a few other Asian countries, so if you missed out and are having non-purchase remorse, it's still accessable to you somehow.