lower lash curler? eyelash comb?


Well-known member
hey lovely loves!!!

i was thinking about getting Sephora's new lower lash curler, but i was wondering -- does it really make a difference??

also, this may bea weird question lol --but whats a good lash/eyebrow comb??


Well-known member
I dont think there really is a great eyelash or brow comb, its just about finding a decent one that will last a long time. I got mine from claire's, and it works well for me! you can get a fairly decent long lasting one from Sally's, though, or even Target.

and Ive never heard of a lower lash curler, haha. my lower lashes are sparse, so if I want to make something of a difference, I just run my waterproof pencil across them so theyre darker! sorry I couldnt be of help in that aspect, haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
I love Sonia Kashuks eyelash comb

I second that! The teeth aren't plastic, but metal. This makes combing through your mascara-ed lashes easier, IMO. Plus, the comb is folded back when not in use, so the teeth does not get caught in your makeup bag. It costs ~$5 in Target!

The metal teeth are kinda sharp though.


Well-known member
sonia kashuk's is nice but the metal *is* kind of sharp so you really have to be careful about accidentally poking your eyes with it. i use that but i also have a plastic one that i got from american eagle (LOL ik) a few years back, they sold like this cheap brush case which was actually pretty decent.