Lure and CCO Hauls


Well-known member
I got my Lure on Friday and I love it to death!! I got:
Delphic f/l (so hot)
Haunting f/l (so pretty)
Mancatcher e/s = love
Waternymph e/s again so hot
Aquavert e/s again so pretty
Lure l/s
Sex Ray l/g

I went to the CCO today and got the last Bagatelle, Oceanique and the last Lusterleaf. I also picked up another try on 3 pack - can't beat a $23 and change tag on Strobe Cream, Fast Response Eye Cream and Demi wipes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shamelessmuse
I got my Lure on Friday and I love it to death!! I got:
Delphic f/l (so hot)
Haunting f/l (so pretty)
Mancatcher e/s = love
Waternymph e/s again so hot
Aquavert e/s again so pretty
Lure l/s
Sex Ray l/g

I went to the CCO today and got the last Bagatelle, Oceanique and the last Lusterleaf. I also picked up another try on 3 pack - can't beat a $23 and change tag on Strobe Cream, Fast Response Eye Cream and Demi wipes

nice haul! I love my Oceanique


Originally Posted by shamelessmuse
I also picked up another try on 3 pack - can't beat a $23 and change tag on Strobe Cream, Fast Response Eye Cream and Demi wipes

so cheap, nice
i'm jealous of those of you who have access to cco's. (maybe it's for the best... i already have no trouble spending more on girltoys than some spend on frivilous things, like cars and graduate school...)