Lush skincare


Well-known member
I've been using Clinique for a while, and it's not doing much for my skin tbh. I've always been impressed (well more like obsessed) with their bath stuff and I've got a 10% voucher so I'd thought I'd give them a try.

I'm looking for a cleanser, toner, moisturiser and a mask that I can stock up on.

I've got combination skin, redness on my cheeks and blackheads around my nose and chin. I rarely suffer from spots though, only around my time of the month.

What do you recommend?



Well-known member
I love Angels On Bare Skin cleanser, if they ever discontinued it I would cry. I use it every morning.


Well-known member
I use all Lush for my skincare and my skin has never been better
I use: Angels on bare skin (a must, you just need to get a hang of being able to make it into a paste and getting it on), A breath of fresh air toner (awesome.), Ocean salt (A GREAT exfoliator with huuuuuge chunks of salt. Smells like a margarita, and your skin looks amazing when you're done exfoliating with it)
Their moisturizers are very good
I used dream cream for a while, and am currently using Skin Drink, I found that dream cream was a bit too oily for me (even though I have very dry skin, it made me look greasy) and skin drink is really nice, sets into my skin well, and moisturizes really nicely so Im not flakey and gross.



Well-known member
Thanks, it seems I made some good decisions when I got there!
I got AOBS, Ultra Bland and Ocean Salt because the smell just grabbed me. And Mask of Magnaminty for the smell alone again!

Thanks for your help :]


Well-known member
You totally did make great choices
Their fresh masks are wonnnnnnnderful, I canr believe I forgot about em!

Careful about the ocean salt one, it might kinda sting your skin the first time you put it on, because it is salt. But after that first time you wont feel it. Its really hard to explain


Well-known member
Think I have to try Angels on bare skin & skin drink, I'm so sick of my super dry, sensitive and acne prone skin (nightmare, huh).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fashionette
Think I have to try Angels on bare skin & skin drink, I'm so sick of my super dry, sensitive and acne prone skin (nightmare, huh).

Try an Evening Primrose supplement. My sister's been taking them for a couple of months and she literally on has three spots on her chin. She used to suffer really badly with acne, and lumps under the skin but now she's practically perfect (I bet she loves me posting about this on the internet lmao not..)