M.A.C i'm Confused and hurt


Well-known member
To be honest, I doubt MAC would put a limit on how much a person can buy. All they would really care about is that they make money off the products they are selling (and they are).


Well-known member
It's because of people who resell that MAC does put limits on purchases; I believe it's 3 of any specific item/color?


Active member
I hate how some eBay seller's will list an easy to find MAC shadow or lipstick for a high price, I don't know why people still buy them when they can order from MAC for less and with a free shipping code. And I do agree that the on'es who are buying LE stuff to resell are people getting info from sites like this, they know what their doing. If no one payed the crazy prices they wouldn't be able to do it though.


Well-known member
I know how you feel. I went through the same hissy fit with Marine Life. I caved and bought it at slightly inflated ebay prices (but not too bad, because I refuse to encourage profiteers too much!) I had the same thing happen with Stereo Rose, but I never caved and paid for the inflated price. My life went on and I am living happily without knowing how wonderful it is. I have hopes that someday the hype will deflate a little bit and I can buy one for a price that isn't too jacked up. Or I will settle and get one a little used but at a reasonable price.

IF you are willing to wait a little bit, the excitement over this VV collection will be over after the next 2 or 3 collections come out and you can buy the stuff when people tire of it and resell it. Unfortunately that means waiting, but you will be able to buy it, possibly slightly used but also possibly not used, at a reasonable price.

If you are just wanting a particular color, I recommend going to the dupes thread or google search for dupe of whatever it is you would like. Tons of bloggers and other makeup hounds are on the hunt for dupes of the most popular stuff and you can look just as good for less--probably


Well-known member
I hate how some eBay seller's will list an easy to find MAC shadow or lipstick for a high price, I don't know why people still buy them when they can order from MAC for less and with a free shipping code. And I do agree that the on'es who are buying LE stuff to resell are people getting info from sites like this, they know what their doing. If no one payed the crazy prices they wouldn't be able to do it though.

Unfortunately some of us live in countries where that crazy, inflated price is still cheaper than the local retail price! Also not all countries have a local MAC website - so if you don't live near a counter than you sometimes don't have any other option but to purchase from a 3rd party.


Well-known member
Unfortunately some of us live in countries where that crazy, inflated price is still cheaper than the local retail price! Also not all countries have a local MAC website - so if you don't live near a counter than you sometimes don't have any other option but to purchase from a 3rd party.
*cough New Zealand cough*

but i agree about the ebay hawkers, it is silly, but there are always people out there that will take advantage of a popular product (this happens with tickets events all the time in NZ)


Well-known member
After reading all of the above posts I am lucky I have so many MAC counters and stores in my immediate area.

There are also a slew of cco's around so if I miss something in the store then 6 out of 10 times I will find it at a cco.

I refuse to pay inflated prices as well and had to laugh when I saw what evilbayers were charging for ML and Stereo Rose.

I want Metal Rock msf but I sure as heck am not going to pay $150.00 for something that originally cost $23 or $24 dollars.

I will just bide my time and wait for MAC to re-release it.

I think it's a crime that people buy 10 and 15 of a product and then re-sell it on evilbay at heavily marked up prices. It is so unfair to regular folks who may not know about the demand and can't get it because some chump wants to make a profit.

Yeah, we all know about capitalism and all but I also blame MAC for not producing enough product.

Come on, really, think how many Stereo Rose msfs were made as opposed to Petticoat, By Candlelight and Comfort.

Comfort is still available on the MAC USA website while the other 3 are sold out. I bet more Petticoat, BC and Comfort were produced as opposed to SR. There were tons of those shades left over at my local counters after the SR frenzy. Petticoat was the next to sell out and then BC.

Supply and demand anyone?

Almost black.

Well-known member
As long as there are people who are willing to pay ridiculous prices, there will be seller who will sell HTF items for $$$. Simple as that.

I know that *I* would never buy anything at much higher price than the retail price. I just refuse to do that, I refuse to encourage such business.


Well-known member
I think a limit is a good idea, but I think it should be 2 rather than one as I love buying back ups of things that I think I will really like.

I agree on a 2, maybe even 3 limit depending on the type of item. I think it perfectly reasonable to by 2 backups (total of 3) of a lip product, especially if you are a MA. But 2 backups of a blush might be a tad unnecessary, but then again maybe some people are very heavy-handed with blush, who knows. I think it's terrible that people will buy out stock and inflate prices on ebay. I've even seen Wet N Wild palettes at 100% mark ups on ebay. Really?!?!?! On the flip side, I think it is great that so many people offer to do CP's for others for hard to find/out of stock items. It's also ridiculous that we, now knowing how fast items sell out now (literally minutes after they are released online) have to either be at our computers ready to go at the stroke of midnight or at the MAC counter or store when the mall opens.

And in regards to the UD Naked Palette. The shit is permanent people! Why on earth are people trying to hawk it for $95+ on ebay, and why are people buying it! Sure I want the palette. Sure it's been out of stock practically since the day it was released. But a factory somewhere is making more of them and I will eventually get my hands on it, for $44 + tax, thank you very much.


Well-known member
Or MAC could do what they do here in Australia to avoid this problem... Just charge eBay prices at their counters! $35 for a lipstick anyone? Or $41 for one in LE packaging? We don't have problems here with collections selling out fast

Okay, I've always wondered about this, and admittedly, I don't fully understand currency exchange rates, dollar values, and economics in general, but, I just Googled the US Dollar to NZ Dollar exchange rate and is $0.77841 to $1.28798, so roughly a $0.52 difference, in favor of US currency and AU dollar is pretty much the same, a tad stronger even, than the US dollar. So if a MAC eye shadow in the US is $14.50, what are you all paying for it (I can't find the NZ MAC website)? I'm posing this to Aussies and Kiwis because I see the same posts about high prices from members hailing from both countries.

Is it an additional 50 cents on every dollar pretty much? And what can a AU/NZ dollar buy you, in general, just so I can get an idea? Because in another thread there was a NZ video that mentioned drugstore makeup prices and they were "high" and I remember thinking "That much for Cover Girl!" For instance a MAC eye shadow in the UK cost 11 pounds and a US shadow is $14.50, but when you factor in the exchange rate, it's actually a $3 difference in price, in favor of the US dollar (the equivalent of us paying $17.50) . So while the UK price isn't "fair" there is still some price adjustment to compensate for currency difference. But an eye shadow in Australia is $32. So what can a AU/NZ dollar get you; a bottle of coke, a Big Mac, king-sized candy bar, a tube of a generic brand of lip balm? Sorry for the digression, but I am curious.


Well-known member
i agree, and will never buy from someone who is obviously price gouging. the CCO's do put limits on purchases, but the bottom line is MAC keeps putting out limited supply of special items, and you know they benefit from the aura of exclusivity of those items...it drives up demand, ensuring they keep selling out. wish they would do a waitlist for established customers, to help spread things around; but again, they do benefit from from ppl buying up the items so why would they change?


Well-known member
I think that MAC should release a "favourites" collection, with a whole bunch of the LE items that you see on Ebay for mental prices. This collection should have a '1 of any item' limit. Then, some of the HTF items, wouldnt be so HTF anymore and the ebayers wouldnt sell their items :D

(p.s. this post is code for: MAC, please re-release Lightscapade, Sweet Sienna and the MSF's from style black :D)


Well-known member
At least most of you gals have MAC store/counter thats not two countries away
Or have the option of online shopping. Sometimes I have to buy on eBay when other ways fail (friends, CP etc...) EBay sellers not only suck the money out of ones that really want LE product but out of those that don't have MAC anywhere near them. And it's not just LE, permanent stuff is often too pricey as well! And you can never be sure what you're buying. In spite of all this eBay is often a must for me.